Category Archives: Announcements

Congratulations to our COMAP MCM contestants!

COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) is a  contest that attracts contestants from colleges and universities around the world.  The College of Charleston team consisting of math majors Tyler Perini, Clay Gardner and Mike Lis earned a meritorious rating in the 2014 MCM contest, placing them in the top 9% of the 6755 teams that competed. […]

Pi Day 2014

The number Π is pretty amazing! Of course, it what you get when you divide the circumference of any circle by its diameter.  Moreover, it useful for measuring angles in such a way that the derivative of the sine function is the cosine function.  And, yes, it is an irrational number, so that its decimal […]

Happy New Year!

The Department of Mathematics wishes everyone a Happy New Year and all the best for 2014!  To get things started off right, you can print this 2014 Dodecahedron Calendar and cut it out and fold it into a regular dodecahedron!  Cut it out on the dark lines, fold on the light lines, and tape together!  This calendar […]