Category Archives: Announcements

One last MESS with Professor Ivey, Wed., April 13, 2016.

Professor Tom Ivey finishes this semester’s MESS (Mathematical Explorations Seminar Series) of colloquium talks for undergraduate math majors with “The geometry of differential equations” at 3:10pm Wed. April 13, 2016, in 104 RSS.  Professor Ivey studies problems that lie at the interface between differential equations and geometry and is an expert in differential geometry and […]

Mitchener’s MESS scheduled for Wed., April 6, 2016.

This semester’s MESS (Mathematical Explorations Seminar Series) of colloquium talks for undergraduate math majors continues at 3:10pm Wed. April 6, 2016, in 104 RSS with “Using artificial life simulations to test hypotheses about evolutionary dynamics,” by Professor Garrett Mitchener.  Professor Mitchener is an imaginative researcher whose many interests include modeling the forces at work in […]

Keynote Mathematics Colloquium on Friday, March 4th

On Friday, March 4th starting at 3:10pm in RSS 102, Keith Promislow of Michigan State University will give a fascinating talk about deep connections between mathematics and polymer physics in a talk about Amphiphilic Polymer Membranes. Title: Network Formation in Amphiphilic Polymer Membranes Abstract: Polymer chains are typically hydrophobic, the addition of functional groups to the […]

Kasman’s MESS scheduled for Wed. Mar 2, 2016.

Professor Alex Kasman continues this semester’s series of colloquium talks for undergraduate math majors at 3:10pm Wed. Mar 2, 2016, in 104 RSS with an introduction to the fascinating subject of solitons.   These seemingly impossible wave forms have had a huge impact in not just physics and applied mathematics but also the real world.  Profess […]

First MESS of the semester scheduled for Wed. Feb 17, 2016.

Professor Elizabeth Jurisich kicks off this semester’s series of colloquium talks for undergraduate math majors at 3:10pm Wed. Feb 17, 2016, in 104 RSS with an introduction to the problem she worked on during her recent sabbatical.   These talks are a great way to learn some new mathematics and to see firsthand what various members […]

Course Announcement

In Spring 2015, Professor Jason Howell will offer a special topics course called “Introduction to Cryptography” (MATH 480/580). Here is his description of the course: Cryptography is the study of techniques for secure communication of information in the presence of third parties who are regarded as adversaries.  Most methods for encrypting information are highly mathematical […]

C of C Math Students Sweep Conference Paper Awards

Three students from the Department of Mathematics at the College of Charleston recently presented papers that won awards at the 2014 SEINFORMS Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC on October 14-15, 2014. SEINFORMS is the Southeastern Chapter of the international INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) organization. SEINFORMS hosts a multi-disciplinary annual meeting […]

Mathematical Explorations Seminar Series

Next week, the College of Charleston Math Club and the Department of Mathematics will host a seminar talk designed for undergraduate students. We hope to offer more talks of this kind in the future. The talk is open to the public and no particular mathematical background is required.     From the logic of a […]