Category Archives: Announcements

Professor Sarvate gives Prestigious Plenary Lecture in Laos

The Eleventh International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries was held in Laos earlier this month.   Its six plenary speakers included Michael Dorff (president of the Mathematical Association of America), Kenji Ueno (a well-known Japanese algebraic geometer), and the Cofc Math Department’s combinatoricist Dinesh Sarvate!

Ken Ono on Ramanujan this weekend at Davidson College

We just learned about an interesting event this weekend (Sept 23).  Ken Ono of Emory University will be at Davidson College speaking about Ramanujan and showing the major motion picture “The Man Who Knew Infinity”.

Some Summer 2018 Student Research Projects

CofC professors are not just teachers but also practitioners of their fields.  Our students learn history from historians, psychology from psychologists, math from mathematicians, and so on.  Not only does this guarantee that the instructors are experts with practical knowledge of their discipline, it also means that undergraduates here have a rare opportunity to work […]

Congratulations to 2018 Departmental Undergraduate Award Recipients

The following undergraduate students received special honors from the CofC Math Department at the SSM Awards Ceremony in 2018: Outstanding Student Award: Tristan J. Aft, Katherine H. Balcewicz, Gloria R. Burke, Blaine T. Billings, Joseph G. Casagranda, Emma L. Collins, Elyana R. Crowder, Na T. Duong, Katelynn H. Huneycutt, Isabel K. Johnston, Choral P. Linhart, Tea […]

Hidden Figures at CofC

“Hidden Figures” is a wonderful movie about the African-American women who worked as mathematicians for the US space program in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  You can see it for free on campus on Friday February 23rd at 6PM in the auditorium of the School of Sciences and Mathematics Building. Show up early at 4:30 for […]

2018-2019 Hughes Scholarship

Deadline for applications for the 2018-2019 Horatio Hughes Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics has been extended to April 6, 2018.    See details at

Upcoming Math Club Events!

The College of Charleston Math Club and the Department of Mathematics are hosting several events in the next few months: Mathematics Department Colloquium Most Fridays Tea at 2:45 in RSS 346 (math department lounge) Presentation from 3:00 to 4:00, usually RSS 251 but watch for signs An hour with a guest speaker about all kinds […]

How Svitlana Mayboroda’s Landscape Function is Improving LED Lighting

Some mathematics research can take a long time — decades if not centuries — to be used in an application.  One of the amazing thing about Svitlana Maybroroda’s recent work on the mathematics of waves is that it is already being applied to improving the efficiency of LED lighting.  Read about her work and its […]