Program Requirements

  • Credit Hours: 30
  • At least 10 credit hours at each institution
  • Thesis or ePortfolio

Required Courses

  • ENGL 511 – Introduction to Graduate English Studies
  • Literature before 1800 (one course)
    • ENGL 501 Chaucer (3)
    • ENGL 502 Shakespeare (3)
    • ENGL 503 English Drama to 1642 (3)
    • ENGL 504 Poetry and Prose of English Renaissance (3)
    • ENGL 505 Milton (3)
    • ENGL 506 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama (3)
    • ENGL 507 Survey of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature (3)
    • ENGL 525 Eighteenth-Century British Novel (3)
    • ENGL 574 Special Topics in British Literature Before 1800 (3)
    • ENGL 703 Seminar in British Literature Before 1800 (3)
  • Literature after 1800 (one course)
    • ENGL 509 Romantic Literature (3)
    • ENGL 510 Victorian Literature (3)
    • ENGL 512 Southern Literature (3)
    • ENGL 523 Nineteenth-Century American Literature I – Romanticism (3)
    • ENGL 524 Nineteenth-Century American Literature II – Realism (3)
    • ENGL 526 Victorian Novel (3)
    • ENGL 527 British Fiction 1900 to 1945 (3)
    • ENGL 528 American Fiction 1900 to 1945 (3)
    • ENGL 529 American Fiction Since 1945 (3)
    • ENGL 531 British Poetry 1900 to Present (3)
    • ENGL 532 American Poetry 1900 to Present (3)
    • ENGL 533 British Drama 1900 to Present (3)
    • ENGL 534 American Drama 1900 to Present (3)
    • ENGL 535 African American Literature (3)
    • ENGL 537 Contemporary British Literature (3)
    • ENGL 575 Special Topics in British Literature After 1800 (3)
    • ENGL 704 Seminar in British Literature After 1800 (3)
    • ENGL 573 Special Topics in African American Literature (3)
  • Electives (Complete 21 additional credit hours from the following courses or courses listed within the distributional areas (Literature Before 1800, Literature After 1800). Any course listed within those areas will count as an elective after the credit requirements for that area have been fulfilled.)
    • ENGL 517 Special Topics in Literature (3)
    • ENGL 520 A Survey of World Literature I (3)
    • ENGL 521 A Survey of World Literature II (3)
    • ENGL 550 Special Topics in Composition Or Language (3)
    • ENGL 552 Adolescent Literature (3)
    • ENGL 553 Modern English Grammar (3)
    • ENGL 554 History of the English Language (3)
    • ENGL 555 Literary Criticism (3)
    • ENGL 556 Theory and Practice of Teaching Composition (3)
    • ENGL 558 Technical and Professional Writing (3)
    • ENGL 559 History and Theory of Rhetoric (3)
    • ENGL 560 Film Studies (3)
    • ENGL 562 Workshop in Advanced Composition (3)
    • ENGL 576 Special Topics in American Literature (3)
    • ENGL 698 Tutorial (3) *
    • ENGL 699 Independent Study (3) *
    • ENGL 700 Seminar (3)
    • ENGL 701 Thesis (6) *
    • ENGL 702 Internship (1-3) *
    • ENGL 705 Seminar in American Literature (3)Note: A maximum of 9 credit hours are allowed from ENGL 698, ENGL 699, ENGL 701, and ENGL 702.

Capstone Requirements for Catalog Year 2022-23 and After:

Students can choose between three capstone options:

  • A traditional 6-credit thesis overseen by a thesis director, with 2 additional readers (one from each institution)
  • A tutorial-style 3-credit course focusing on developing a polished portfolio of work.
  • A 3-credit independent study focusing on major expansion and revision of a seminar paper or related project into an article suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal.

CapstoneRequirement for Catalog Years 2021-22 and Prior:

All MA students who do not complete a thesis will propose and prepare a zero-credit ePortfolio consisting of significant revisions of three substantial pieces of writing produced in the program and that integrate critical sources and contemporary scholarship in English Studies. These revisions will be contextualized within program goals and outcomes through reflective writing.

Foreign Languages

The program does not require proficiency in a foreign language, but students who plan to pursue a doctorate in English should be aware that PhD programs typically do require competency in one or two foreign languages.

Transfer Credit Policy

An applicant or student of the M.A. in English program can seek approval from the Joint Program Committee to accept up to 12 transfer credit hours. These courses must have a grade of B or higher, and can count toward the M.A. in English degree requirements. Courses with a grade of “Pass” or “Satisfactory” will not be accepted.


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