Archive | Previous Courses

Fall ’19: ENGL 552 – Young Adult Literature

Professor Thomas Thompson. Elective for MA students; required for MAT students. Meets at The Citadel, Thursday, 4-6:45 p.m. This course will introduce you to the amazing variety of young adult literature currently available. Activities will include whole-class and small-group readings, but the emphasis will be on reading and discussing self-selected novels and nonfiction books across […]

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Fall ’19: ENGL 502 – Shakespeare

Professor Devin Byker. Fulfills the British Literature before 1800 requirement. Meets at the College of Charleston, Tuesday, 6-8:45 p.m. This course will examine Shakespeare’s work from a number of shifting angles. In addition to addressing some of the historical circumstances and performance conditions that shape his drama, we will organize our reading of plays and sonnets […]

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Spring ’19: ENGL 555 – Literary Criticism

Professor James Leonard. Elective. Meets at The Citadel, Thursday, 7-9:45 p.m. The Spring 2019 edition of ENGL 555 will consider primary questions about our relation to literature, including the following: What is literature? How does literature affect us? How can we ascertain the meaning/significance of a work of literature? What sorts of commentary are appropriate […]

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Spring ’19: ENGL 562 – Advanced Composition

Professor Lauren Maxwell. Elective for MA students; required for MAT students. Meets at The Citadel, Tuesday, 4-6:45 p.m. This course aims to help you become a better writer by challenging you to think critically about the processes of composition, teaching you to adapt your style based on your purpose, and providing you with rhetorical strategies […]

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low-angle photography of building - JC Gellidon

Spring ’19: ENGL 704 – Feminist Dystopian Literature (Seminar)

Professor Thomas Horan. Meets at The Citadel, Tuesday, 7-9:45 p.m. Seminar in Post-1800 British Literature While men such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell feature prominently in the canon of dystopian literature, an equally rich strand of speculative fiction by women has challenged this androcentric paradigm. These books explore the ways in which political, cultural, […]

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Aaron Douglas, Into Bondage (1936)

Fall ’18: ENGL 535 – African American Literature

Meets at The Citadel, Thursdays, 4-6:45 – Professor Licia Hendriks (Satisfies an American Literature Requirement) This survey course situates the African American literary tradition in a developing domestic and international cultural context, and addresses the ways in which it is (and isn’t) a legitimate offshoot of the overarching category of American Literature.  Encompassed in the […]

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Summer ’18: ENGL 553 – Modern English Grammar

Meets at The Citadel, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:30-8:30, Summer I  Session (Fulfills an elective requirement) Prof. Alyson Eggleston A study of typological categories, morphology, and Minimalist approaches to the syntactic analysis of English. This course provides a thoroughgoing description of Modern English structural forms, including typological perspectives on current English variation and change. Issues relevant […]

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Joyce and Yeats

Fall ’18: ENGL 575 – Joyce and Yeats

Meets at the College of Charleston, Mondays, 7-9:45 – Prof. Joe Kelly (Fulfills a British Literature after 1800 requirement) We will discuss and interpret a significant portion of the work of the two Irish writers, W. B. Yeats and James Joyce.  The disciplinary approach will be historical, so we also will study the Irish political and […]

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