Looking Back Welcome back! Last week represented our most in-depth and extended engagement with theory as we tackled chapters on “Culture,” “Ideology,” History,” “Space/Time,” and “Posts.” Let’s begin with “Culture.” Nealon and Giroux write a lot about the importance of cultural context–about how meaning is in many ways a negotiation among various contexts, cultural and otherwise. […]
Slippery Slope to Confirmation Bias
In our reading, we read about time and space. Each is relative between human experiences, and each has a profound ability to influence our perceptions of the world as well. The part about how space affects our lives interested me. Your socioeconomic status, race, gender, etc. all affect who you are, how you act, and […]
Fractals- Structuralism through Openness
To view this current time as post-modern is somewhat discerning as we typically view ourselves as modern; now. In some ways this relates to the notion that Time molds the environment and us as much as we create it ourselves. While the modern era is technically over according to a calendar, it lives on in […]
Time “Wasted” in the Age of Capitalism: Impatience With Revolution
The text continues its sometimes winding rhetoric with the succinctly titled “Space/Time”, which makes me very anxious just by the title. After all, one of my pet projects, a fantasy novel, has been floating around in my brain (and in various mediums, through different hard drives and notebooks) for the better part of a decade, […]
A step out of time
We live in an era where people can order groceries online and have them delivered to their front doorstep. Yesterday, I watched someone become visibly upset because of having to wait an extra minute for a Starbucks order. Every time I send an instant message to my friend in Spain, I am amazed all over […]
Deconstruction of Meaning
I always found postmodern literature easier to read and understand because it’s easier for me to latch onto. I also particularly enjoy it because it’s also what I read the most as I develop my own writing style. In the Theory Toolbox, I enjoyed the table of Ihab Hassan’s list of the differences between modernism […]
Time is Money, and Money is Time
I had never truly understood the meaning of “time is money” until this reading. Maybe, though, it is just another interpretation or aspect of “time is money.” Maybe it’s more, money is time. The more money you have, the more access you have to things that “save” time. I appreciated the illustration of the differences […]
Time Changes, But it Doesn’t
I was particularly drawn to the part of our reading discussing Time, because it forced me to think about the different ways in which people experience it. While we may experience time individually, and 10 minutes may feel longer to you than it does to me, I thought it was interesting how N&G discussed the […]
The Vastness of Humanity, the Haziness of Time.
Space and time. These concepts sound so concrete, do they not? Space is where you are, it’s what’s around you. Time is, well, does it really need an explanation? It is passing even as I type these words, as the sun sets outside and the day melts into night. We rely on it to orient […]
What Is A Woman’s Space?
Space, at first, can seem like an obvious concept that we can all understand and agree on. However, as Nealon and Giroux point out in the chapter “Space/Time”, space is actually more than “a mere stage” but a framework for life experiences that determine where we belong socially. Nealon and Giroux focus on how space […]