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Prof talks

I was very impressed with the Professor visits from Monday.  I have been eager to sit through any kind of discourse possible with both of them.  I hope I kept up with Dr. Seaman’s talk about Postsecular Posthumanities.  It was difficult to read, but I feel as if it was easier to understand while she […]

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Professor Talks: Scholarly Discourse

The Realness of the Fantastic and Minutia: Insights from Dr. Seaman and Dr. Bruns Dr. Seaman and Dr. Bruns came to us on Tuesday with the intent of sharing their scholarship with us, and the discourses they encounter while researching; at first glance, film studies and medieval literature might have little crossover, but from what we […]

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Prof. Talks

I thought that the talks from both Dr. Seaman and Dr. Bruns really provided me with a better understanding of what actually goes on in the realm of English Studies. I found it very interesting that someone with a doctorate, specifically Dr. Seaman, still has to persuade her colleagues that a more avant-garde area of […]

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Prof. Talks and Their Research Structure

I really enjoyed both professor’s talks today, especially Myra Seaman’s and how she clearly explained the different facets of her argument. However, before they came, Professor Vander Zee and I were discussing how I didn’t exactly understand what either of them were talking about. Though I understood Bruns’ article more so than Seaman’s, I was […]

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Where to Start Criticizing

I found the talks from today both interesting and insightful. Conscious of being in an intro to English studies class, I found myself assessing the presentations less in terms of the cogency of a particular point or argument and more in terms of whether I agreed with the approach to the primary text as a […]

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Professor Seaman’s and Bruns’ Presentations

Professor Seaman engaged us by summarizing her paper linked in the schedule as well as explaining how her general field of literature brought her to her consensus about “post-humanism,” in which the notions that humans are the most interesting and subject are displaced, and how this idea of post-humanism compares to the pre-humanist medieval times. […]

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Rachel Park Professor Vander Zee English 299 28 March 2016 To Awake the Perpetual Morning: A Transcendentalist’s Approach to Education in Thoreau’s Walden           “All intelligences awake with the morning,” Henry David Thoreau references from the Vedas during his early arrival at Walden Pond. “Morning is when I am awake and there […]

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Final Proposal

Franco Porras Professor Vander Zee English 299 28 March 2016 Dismantling Whiteness in the Collective Imagination: Lessons for Diverse Fantasy Literature in Ursula K. Leguin’s “Earthsea”  In 1968, Ursula K. LeGuin published one of the most seminal works of children’s fantasy literature, “A Wizard of Earthsea”, the story of a young wizard named Ged and his journey towards understanding […]

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“A Half-finished Love Affair”: Colonialism, Historicism, and the Decline of the World in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas Cloud Atlas seems to grab historicism by the throat, and show just how it can shape the world within it. David Mitchell, the award-winning and bestselling author, created the novel that features the reincarnation of one soul throughout […]

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Final Proposal

Andrew Halley Professor Vander Zee English 299 / Proposal 28 March 2016 “All My Loving”: Romantic Universalism in Julie Taymor’s Across the Universe Julie Taymor’s fantasy/drama film Across the Universe (2007) is a musical, utilizing thirty-four Beatles’ songs, all sung and performed by the actors, as its sonic framework. Against the backdrop of the 1960’s […]

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