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Prof Talks 2

The second round of Prof Talks included Professor Chris Warnick of Writing Studies and Professor Emily Roscko of Poetry/Creative Writing. Warnick’s talk was interesting in that I was not previously aware that “writing studies” even existed. According to the professor, he studies writing itself, characteristics of it as well as processes, within all disciplines. He […]

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Professor Talks 2

Professor Rosko used the chalk board to diagram and discuss what makes for good writing, and while her illustrations got chaotic and she lost her handle on the diagram it shows us that there is no one right way to write. This was reiterated when Professor Warwick brought up the innovations on Google Drive which […]

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Prof talks part 2

Though I wasn’t feeling well at the time of the event I was able to jot down some notes on what I found interesting. Professor Warnick and Professor Rosko went into detail of their positions in the literary field of study as well as their contributions in the works that they have written or reviewed themselves. […]

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ProfTalks: Rhetoric and Poetry

Last week, I was absent and therefore missed the first ProfTalks session, so this Monday’s talks were my first foray into seeing other disciplines in the English Department. That being said, I was not disappointed. Both of the visiting professors, Dr. Rusko and Dr. Warnick, had fascinating discussions about their fields of study. Though I […]

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ProfTalks #2

I thoroughly enjoyed the ProfTalks that were given yesterday, not just because they were informative about writing and research, but also because I always find it interesting to see the different ways that people connect with English. The teachers that talked to us were from different fields, Warnick being concerned with rhetoric and writing, and […]

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Prof Talks: Writing, Writing, and More Writing

I found these professor talks, from Professor Warnick and Professor Rosko, to be very informative and helpful to me. As a creative writing concentrator I was very excited to hear Professor Rosko’s insight into the field, but I was shocked by how interested I was in the field of Composition and Rhetoric that Professor Warnick deals […]

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Response to Prof. Talks

I thoroughly enjoyed the lectures given by professors Chris Warnick and Emily Rosko today. Both Dr. Rosko’s poetry essay on teaching “The Complaint” and Dr. Warnick’s article “Expressive Pedagogies in the University of Pittsburgh’s Alternative Curriculum Program” hit close to home in my particular interest of English study, which is English Education. I have always […]

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“I don’t want realism. I want magic!” — In Defense of Blanche Dubois

Ainsley Davis 29 March 2016 ENGL 299 What remains with you when you finish Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire? You are unsettled at best—disquieted, possibly wounded—and there is a decided lack of resolution; we are deliberately left grasping, wishing for the possibility of more. This play ends with no promise of good to come—its characters […]

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Nora Obeid Prof VZ English 299 23 March 2016 LA Sunsets in European Skies: Drive And Nicolas Winding’s Critical Roads Nicolas Winding 2011 film Drive is both a genre study for the viewer and the director himself. The film’s trailers upon its release, filled with guns, LA city lights, and romantic kisses may deceive the […]

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Harrison Elkins Professor Vander Zee ENGL 299 30 October 2016   Kaboom!: Violence, Sadism, and Paranoia in Kiss Me Deadly   The atomic box opens. Screams and flames emerge, roaring through the soundwaves as the Mike and Velda scramble wounded toward the beachline, treacherous, apocalyptic fire behind them. This is the sequence in Robert Aldrich’s […]

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