The first chapter was very intriguing to me because it reminded me of previous ideals mentioned in the Toolbox book. One of the ideas being culture. I noticed a great deal of the novel may be honed in on how each person reacts and lives on a daily bases seemingly simultaneously. The first chapter also addresses how some people live outside of their stereo types in connection to culture. For example the first two pages of the subcategory 2.Benefits, describes how one might describe what nationality Bobby is by just looking at him, “If you know your Asians. Turns out you’ll be wrong.”(pg 15) stuck out to me. I think so far the chapters have brought the precise contradictory ideas that the toolbox description of culture had with more quotes similar quotes as the one previously stated. The section Benefits also showed how some stereos types still hold true in the fact that Bobby had to leave part of his family behind and is working at a low income job just to make ends meet and provide for his family as well as send the younger generation (his brother) off to school on pages 16 and 17 . This circumstance being very common in immigration cases.
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I also enjoyed how the character Bobby goes against certain stereotypes people may have against Asians. People used to tell me that I was the “whitest black person they ever saw,” and didn’t understand why. I honestly didn’t understand why, either. I just wanted to be a good person who anyone could approach, instead of avoiding certain things or people because of the color of my skin or the neighborhood I grew up in. I certainly do fit into some stereotypes that people may have against black Americans, but I certainly don’t let those rule my life. I don’t think Bobby does, either, and I really like that about his character.