Honors 110 is a course about writing, specifically the analytical and drafting skills that will help you write effectively in a variety of situations. This course asks you to think about writing as a series of conscious choices you make in response to these situations. We will use scholarly texts about literacy and language as well as student and peer writing samples to help you develop as a writer. The course treats writing as a process that involves invention, critical thinking, drafting, revising, researching, synthesizing, and working with new media. The course’s writing projects will challenge you to read like a writer, to explore literacy and language practices, and to conduct research in this area. Your own writing will be central to the work of the course.
The course will use OAKS for turning in papers and assignments and for publishing grades. But the course materials appear on a class website that, in my view, is more visually appealing, more intuitive, easier to use, and easier to find materials on than OAKS. The URL for the class website is https://blogs.charleston.edu/hons110. You’ll probably want to bookmark this site for easy reference.
The course does not require you to purchase any textbooks. Course readings will consist mostly of PDF files posted on the class website as well as links to various outside videos and articles.