The Honors Advanced Studies requirement can be fulfilled by taking either an upper level special topics seminar or an upper-level course within a specific discipline. Honors Advanced Studies courses are defined by deep analysis and classroom discourse, reminiscent of the type of dynamic learning environment a student would encounter in a graduate-level environment. Courses are designed to encourage students to synthesize information from divergent sources and then derive novel conclusions and innovative solutions. Note that…
- All Honors College students are required to complete at least one Honors Advanced Studies course
- Advanced Studies courses count towards the 22 HONS credit requirement
- Students may take additional Advanced Studies courses as an Honors elective
- Advanced Studies courses do not count towards the College’s General Education requirements
The prerequisites for all Honors Advanced Studies courses are as follows: At least one Honors Foundation course and at least one Honors Colloquium course, plus any additional prereqs imposed on a particular course.
HONS 204 – Honors Managerial Accounting
Instructor: Jennifer Burbage
TR 1:40 – 2:55 p.m.
A survey of accounting information critical for planning, control and business decision-making within an organization. This is the Honors course version of ACCT 204. Students may not receive credit for both.
Prerequisite(s): HONS 203
HONS 390-01 – Image Makers and Idol Breakers
Instructor: Brooke Permenter
TR 9:25 – 10:40 a.m.
This course examines the power of public monuments to engage Americans in discussions of race, equity, and inclusion. The course directly addresses image and memory theory in the context of the creation, installation, preservation, removal, desecration, and destruction of public works with an in-depth focus on Lowcountry monuments and sites of memory. After an introduction to philosophical theory and technical practice, the historical periods of Colonialism, Antebellum, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and 21st-century Social Justice contextualize national and local monuments, which students learn about through traditional primary sources, peer-reviewed scholarship, popular media, art historical instruction, and site visits to locations and repositories of interest. Class materials and assignments draw attention to the ways in which race and ethnicity shaped identities and public sentiment and, thus, public monuments and their level of favor in particular historical moments. The class directly addresses how racial constructions lead to discriminatory practices and the identification of various forms of resistance to racial inequities and discrimination, and it implicitly addresses the historical construction of race to serve the preferred narrative of those who held/hold power.
HONS 390-02 – Manipulating Memories
Instructor: Gabby Principe
TR 9:25 – 10:40 a.m.
Most people think of memory like a recording device that exactly captures and forever preserves our experiences. But work on the malleability of memory demonstrate that it is not reliable. In fact, it is easily manipulated and even not so difficult for others to plant false memories that affect behavior long after the memories take hold. We even distort our own memories even when we are trying to be completely honest with ourselves. Usually, this tendency is adaptive but can contribute to emotional disorders when we make it a habit to misremember our experiences in negative ways. In this course we will explore the conditions under which we are all susceptible to false memories, what a malleable memory system tells us about our identity and who we are, and why evolution gave us a memory system prone to distortion and interference. We’ll also examine ethical and social issues that come with the ability to plant memories and questions about when health professionals should do so or ban its use.
HONS 390-03 – Honors Molecular Biology
Instructor: Renaud Geslain
TR 1:40 – 2:55 p.m.
In this course students will study in detail the structures and functions of the most fundamental biomolecules of life, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins and their relevance to the world we live in through the following eight topics organized in eight separate modules: (i) the design, effectiveness, cost and side effects of drugs, (ii) the detection, prevention and treatment of pathogenic diseases, (iii) the future of agriculture, farming and the environment in general (especially the impact of modern genome editing and synthetic biology), (iv) policymaking and bioethics (the cloning of primates for research, the engineering of human-animal hybrids, the pros and cons of enhanced pathogen research, and the potential and limits of DNA forensics), (v) gene and stem cell therapies (available treatments, future prospects and controversies), (vi) the biology of cancers (established and emerging hallmarks of cancer cells, diagnoses and personalized treatments), (vii) the biology of senescent cells (zombie cells, senolytics and autophagy), and (viii) evolution of hominins and techniques in molecular biology (ancient DNA, paleogenomics, paleoproteomics and landmark discoveries in molecular biology).
HONS 390-04 – Honors ImpactX
Instructor: David Wyman
TR 12:15 – 1:30 p.m.
Impact X is a three credit class that assists you and your new team in forming a new venture where success is focused on solving social and environmental problems, while making a profit. This course describes entrepreneurship as a process of economic or social value creation, rather than the single event of opening a business. Reflecting recent research, the course focuses on opportunity recognition, business model generation and lean startup. Students will research and develop a repeatable, scalable business model. Since its inception, Impact X has formed over 75 startup teams that have created innovative, for-profit solutions that improve people’s lives and the planet. All students are assisted by local business professionals as mentors. The Impact X class culminates in a Shark Tank type DEMO Day where students have the opportunity to pitch their projects and win prizes.
HONS 390-04 – Honors Southbound: An Interdisciplinary Journey Through the Culture, Identity, and Politics of the American South
Instructor: Gibbs Knotts
M 11:00 – 1:45 p.m.
This class will take a critical look at the South with the hope that we will learn more about the region as well as the South’s influence on the U.S. more generally. The class will examine the region's identity, politics, and culture by exploring primary texts and articles, with weekly units on specific aspects on topics like southern food, southern music, and southern popular culture. Students will explore the region’s sociological history, its drastic political, racial, and cultural changes over the past half-century, and its political and cultural relevancy today. Class discussion will be integral to our work, as will student assignments (including a video assignment on southern identity and a research paper on some aspect of identity, culture, or politics).
HONS 390-06 – Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes
Instructor: Dan Brown
TR 10:50 – 12:05 p.m.
The end stages of the Cold War heralded an era of global democratization and the "end of history". But the world now finds itself reckoning with shadows of the past in backsliding democratic regimes and increasing autocracy. What are we to make of this ostensible repeat of history? As global citizens, how should we understand these forces acting upon, around, and through us? In this course, students will explore the terrain of non-democratic regimes from authoritarianism to totalitarianism and hybrid regimes. This course will use a comparative lens to contrast differing regimes from one another historically, culturally, and politically. Students can expect to encounter canonical texts on autocracy, causal explanations of the resilience and durability of autocratic regimes, and the micro-level coercive and socio-psychological processes that characterize and bolster non-democratic rule.
*Please note that Spring 2024 course offerings are tentative, and are subject to change