Association of Women Surgeons Hosts Surgical Education Conference at MUSC

MUSC’s Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) presents their 2023 Surgical Education Conference.

Date/Time: Saturday, February 25, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

The Event: Surgical speakers will lead hands-on workshops on topics like

  • A typical day in the life of a surgeon
  • Working and training as a female surgeon in a male-dominated field
  • Student preparation for a career in surgery

The Benefits: This is a great opportunity to meet surgeons as well as medical students and learn more about a surgical career as well as the path to medical school! MUSC admissions will also be giving a presentation!

How to Register: Complete the registration form and pay the $20 registration fee by the February 16 deadline; address questions to

Intro to Eco-Design and Planting for Pollinators

Join the M.A.R.S.H. Project on February 16th at 4:30 for Intro to Eco-Design and Planting for Pollinators.

This event will teach the basics of how you can make your yard an aesthetically pleasing wildlife sanctuary that supports migratory birds & pollinators and  enriches your life!

This event will feature two pros, Sharleen Johnson of Native Plants to the People and Al Mason of Plan’td!

Please RSVP and learn more here!

Climate Change and the Law: Rising Tides Wash Up Legal Issues

Charleston School of Law and Furman University are hosting Climate Change and the Law: Rising Tides and Wash Up Legal Issues on Friday, February 24, 2023, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., at The Charleston Museum.

Featured will be conversations centered around the legality of climate change policy. Panels will include subjects such as; Trends in Climate Litigation, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Management Projects and the Charleston Peninsula Study, Ethical Considerations in Climate Change: Renewable Energy, the Role of the Law Firm in a Changing Climate, and Other Considerations. 

This event is a great opportunity for any student interested in political science, law school, urban development, and sustainability.

Students may learn more & register here!

Association of Women Surgeons Hosts Surgical Education Conference at MUSC

MUSC’s Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) presents their 2023 Surgical Education Conference.

Date/Time: Saturday, February 25, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

The Event: Surgical speakers will lead hands-on workshops on topics like

  • A typical day in the life of a surgeon
  • Working and training as a female surgeon in a male-dominated field
  • Student preparation for a career in surgery

The Benefits: This is a great opportunity to meet surgeons as well as medical students and learn more about a surgical career as well as the path to medical school! MUSC admissions will also be giving a presentation!

How to Register: Complete the registration form and pay the $20 registration fee by the February 16 deadline; address questions to

Student Research Scholar/Research Assistant in the Learning and Memory Research Lab at MUSC

The Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Health Sciences & Research, Integrative Neuromodulation and Recovery (iN*R) Lab is currently looking for a team member who will primarily work on a newly funded project involving electroencephalography (EEG) and non-invasive brain stimulation to study memory mechanisms in healthy volunteers of older age.

Applicants will contribute to data acquisition, analysis, and implementation of a data management infrastructure following international standards and recommendations for open science and ethical data-sharing practices.

Existing or very strong interest in developing experience in EEG data acquisition and signal processing methods is preferred. Likewise, programming skills (MATLAB, Python, R) and experience with machine learning methods are a big advantage but not mandatory.

Please email your CV and a short cover letter detailing your interest in our research, experience, and fit for the position/lab, and contact details of a reference to Dr. Kirstin-Friederike Heise as soon as possible. (Start and end times for this position are negotiable).

Students may learn more about this opportunity here!

Summer Opportunity: Pediatrics Research Fellowship at MUSC

The Darby Children’s Research Institute at MUSC is offering summer scholarship opportunity for those students interested in performing pediatric basic science or clinical science research.

The Opportunity: Fellowship awardees will spend summer 2023 working in state-of-the-art laboratories with faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students spanning multiple disciplines in childhood health and disease.

The Benefits: Scholars will receive lab training and lead their own project, specific to an area of childhood health or disease, and be funded with their own stipend.

  • The student Fellow will also receive a $4,000 stipend with an additional $1,000 for consumable lab supplies

Great fit For: Science and public health majors / Aspiring clinical researchers / Future pediatric practitioners / All grade-levels welcome

Next Steps: Submit any questions to Jasmine Ballentine ( Ready to apply? Read below for specific instructions on how to apply (deadline is Feb. 1).

The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship for the Darby Children’s Research Institute Summer Program


The purpose of The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship is to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to perform pediatric clinical and basic science research.


The Darby Children's Research Institute (DCRI) is the research arm of the Department of Pediatrics and the Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital at the Medical University of South Carolina. The DCRI is comprised of basic and physician scientists working together with a common goal to perform impactful science that can be translated for the wellness of children’s health. The DCRI is composed of state-of- the-art laboratories with faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students spanning multiple disciplines in childhood health and disease.

The primary objective of The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship is to provide funding for trainees to gain exposure to a clinical and basic science pediatric research environment in a nationally ranked academic medical center that will advance their career aspirations.

Information on the DCRI and areas of research can be found at the following link:


Must be enrolled in an undergraduate accredited US college or university institution.

Must be able to physically work in a designated lab for an 8-week program.


Applications due: February 1, 2023 at 5:00 pm EST

Applicants will be notified of awards: March 1, 2023

Award Period: June 1, 2023 – July 31, 2023


$4,000 stipend for the student fellow / $1,000 for consumable lab supplies



  • Font Type and Size: Arial, 11pt.
  • Page Margins: No less than 0.5” on all sides
  • Document Type: Single PDF file

Required Documents/Files

Cover letter – Include what peeks your interests in pediatric research either basic or clinical. Do you have a particular area of interest? Are you interested in a particular DCRI researcher from the information provided on the DCRI website or publications? (1 page)

Personal and Scientific Background (1-2 pages) – Please describe your educational background in science, why you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, and how this would enhance or further your career goals?

Resume or CV

Letter of Recommendation (1 letter minimum)


Combine all documents into a single PDF file

Email to Jasmine Ballentine (, Subject Line: DCRI Summer Fellowship Program


Please address questions to Jasmine Ballentine at

Gap Year Opportunity: Clinical Research Fellowship for Pre-Med Students

The MUSC ENT Department would like to invite graduating pre-med students who intend to take a gap year to apply to their Clinical Research Fellowship Program.

The opportunity: This 10-month funded position provides formal training in clinical research. Fellows help run an array of projects related to clinical trials and clinical outcomes research focused on otology, sinus surgery and rhinology, obstructive sleep apnea, and head and neck cancer.

The Benefits: Fellows will gain direct patient experience, help run clinic visits, write and publish manuscripts, and learn biostatistics.

Great fit for: Graduating pre-med students who plan to take a gap year.

Next Steps: Send a CV to Dr. Shaun Nguyen at by May 1. For questions or more details, contact Dr. Nguyen or (Honors alum!) Emily Duckworth ’22 at

Summer Opportunity: Pediatrics Research Fellowship at MUSC

The Darby Children’s Research Institute at MUSC is offering a summer scholarship opportunity for students interested in performing pediatric basic science or clinical science research.

The Opportunity: The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship supports students in the Research Institute’s Summer Scholars Fellowship. Students accepted into the program will spend summer 2023 working in state-of-the-art laboratories with faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students spanning multiple disciplines in childhood health and disease.

The Benefits: Scholars will receive lab training and lead their own project, specific to an area of childhood health or disease, and be funded with their own stipend.

  • The student Fellow will also receive a $4,000 stipend with an additional $1,000 for consumable lab supplies

Great fit For: Science and public health majors / Aspiring clinical researchers / Future pediatric practitioners / All grade-levels welcome

Next Steps: Submit any questions to Jasmine Ballentine ( Ready to apply? Read below for specific instructions on how to apply (deadline is Feb. 1).


The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship for the Darby Children’s Research Institute Summer Program


The purpose of The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship is to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to perform pediatric clinical and basic science research.


The Darby Children's Research Institute (DCRI) is the research arm of the Department of Pediatrics and the Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital at the Medical University of South Carolina. The DCRI is comprised of basic and physician scientists working together with a common goal to perform impactful science that can be translated for the wellness of children’s health. The DCRI is composed of state-of- the-art laboratories with faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students spanning multiple disciplines in childhood health and disease.

The primary objective of The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship is to provide funding for trainees to gain exposure to a clinical and basic science pediatric research environment in a nationally ranked academic medical center that will advance their career aspirations.

Information on the DCRI and areas of research can be found at the following link:


Must be enrolled in an undergraduate accredited US college or university institution.

Must be able to physically work in a designated lab for an 8-week program.


Applications due: February 1, 2023 at 5:00 pm EST

Applicants will be notified of awards: March 1, 2023

Award Period: June 1, 2023 – July 31, 2023


$4,000 stipend for the student fellow / $1,000 for consumable lab supplies



  • Font Type and Size: Arial, 11pt.
  • Page Margins: No less than 0.5” on all sides
  • Document Type: Single PDF file

Required Documents/Files

Cover letter – Include what peeks your interests in pediatric research either basic or clinical. Do you have a particular area of interest? Are you interested in a particular DCRI researcher from the information provided on the DCRI website or publications? (1 page)

Personal and Scientific Background (1-2 pages) – Please describe your educational background in science, why you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, and how this would enhance or further your career goals?

Resume or CV

Letter of Recommendation (1 letter minimum)


Combine all documents into a single PDF file

Email to Jasmine Ballentine (, Subject Line: DCRI Summer Fellowship Program


Please address questions to Jasmine Ballentine at