Opportunity for Paid Clinical Hours for Certified Medical Assistants!

SouthernMed Pediatrics is looking to hire a medical assistant for their downtown location!

The Opportunity: SouthernMed Pediatrics would like to hire a full-time medical assistant. You must be certified/registered as a medical assistant to apply. This is an awesome opportunity to get clinical experience with a supportive team around you!

Details: In this position, you will assist medical providers in providing a high level of quality patient care. This is a great opportunity for someone taking a gap year to get clinical experience. SouthernMed Pediatrics is located at 198 Rutledge Avenue, just a few blocks from campus. A full job description can be found at the application link.

Great Fit For: PreMed/PrePA students looking for real-world experience.

To ApplyClick this link to go to the application. This link also has more information about the role.

Register for USC’s Big Data Health Science Student Case Competition!

Registration for the University of South Carolina’s Big Data Health Science Student Case Competition, and a chance at a $5000 prize, is open!

Details: The USC Big Data Health Science Student Case Competition provides enthusiastic teams of graduate and/or senior undergraduate students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the analysis of big datasets in healthcare. Each participating team will analyze the case and datasets to be released on Friday, February 7th, 2025, at noon EST. During this period, team members will work together to present their methods, analyses, and results at the Big Data Health Science Center Case Competition virtually.

Charleston Excellence: Our CofC teams were the only undergraduate teams to make it to the finals for the past 2 years!

To RegisterGo to this link to learn about the next steps. Registration is open until January 29th.

More information can be found at the above link.

MUSC Children’s Research Summer Fellowship

You’re invited to apply for a summer program scholarship at the Darby Children’s Research Institute at MUSC!

Details: The primary objective of The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship is to provide funding for undergraduate trainees to gain exposure to a clinical and basic science pediatric research environment at MUSC at a nationally ranked academic medical center that will advance their career aspirations.

Great Fit For: Students with science majors considering a future in graduate school (MD, PhD), with the possibility in pediatrics.

Benefits: $5,000 summer stipend (with the option of housing).

To Apply: Check out the application details below. The deadline to apply is December 16th.

For more information, click this link or email Jasmine Ballentine at ballentj@musc.edu.


The Darby Children's Research Institute (DCRI) is the research arm of the Department of Pediatrics and the Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital at the Medical University of South Carolina. The DCRI is comprised of basic and physician scientists working together with a common goal to perform impactful science that can be translated for the wellness of children’s health. The DCRI is composed of state-of-the-art laboratories with faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students spanning multiple disciplines in childhood health and disease.

The primary objective of The John Covington and Robert Lukey Scholarship is to provide funding for trainees to gain exposure to a clinical and basic science pediatric research environment in a nationally ranked academic medical center that will advance their career aspirations.

Information on the DCRI and areas of research can be found at the following link: https://dcri.musc.edu.


  • Applications due: December 16, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST
  • Applicants will be notified of awards: January 7, 2025
  • Award Period: June 1, 2025 – July 31, 2025


Document Specifications

  • Font Type and Size: Arial, 11pt.
  • Page Margins: No less than 0.5” on all sides
  • Document Type: Single PDF file

Required Documents/Files

  • Cover letter – Include what peeks your interests in pediatric research either basic or clinical. Do you have a particular area of interest? Are you interested in a particular DCRI researcher from the information provided on the DCRI website or publications? (1 page)
  • Personal and Scientific Background (1-2 pages) – Please describe your educational background in science, why you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, and how this would enhance or further your career goals?
  • Resume or CV
  • Letter of Recommendation (1 letter minimum)


  • Combine all documents into a single PDF file
  • Email to Jasmine Ballentine (ballentj@musc.edu), Subject Line: "DCRI Summer Fellowship Program"


  • $5,000 stipend


Join a Health Care Mentorship Program Hosted by MUSC’s College of Health Professions!

The MUSC College of Health Professions Health Professions Exploration Program (HPEP) is now accepting applications for the 2025 program!

The Opportunity: The HPEP is a career exposure and mentoring program for students interested in the health professions. The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities for students to learn more about the health professions, tour MUSC’s state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, gain information that will assist with preparation to graduate healthcare programs, and engage in activities that support career planning and professional development.

Great Fit For: All undergraduate students with an interest in the allied health professions (Physician Assistant Studies, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Health Administration, Cardiovascular Perfusion, and more!)

Details: Participation in the program is free and lunch and parking waivers are provided to all participating students at each session.

To ApplyClick this link to apply for the program! Applications close October 30th.

For more information, head to the application link or check out the provided flyer.

FoodShare Moncks Corner: Public Health AmeriCorps Opportunity

FoodShare in Monck’s Corner through Trident United Way has an opportunity for students or recent graduates to expand food and nutrition services available in the Tri-County Area.

The Opportunity: The PHA Service Member, under the supervision of Trident United Way’s FoodShare Berkeley program, will provide assistance and support to the FoodShare Berkeley Hub to expand food and nutrition security strategies to community members in underserved areas across the county. The Service Member will primarily focus on the distribution and promotion of the Fresh Food Box in the community.

Benefits: Benefits for Service Members include a stipend/living allowance, real-world experience in the public health field, tailored mentorship/coaching, opportunities to network with the PHA community, and eligibility for a Segal Education Award upon completion of service. Service may be used to fulfill practicum or applied experience requirements.

To Apply: Fill out the NACDD Public Health AmeriCorps Application and select SC-II for the service opportunity you are applying for.

For more information click this link or send an email to Madison James at mjames@tuw.org.

Faculty Lecture Series: Drug Discovery in Action

You’re invited to join Tim Barker, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, for a Faculty Lecture Series titled Drug Discovery in Action: Preparing New Molecules with a Purpose.

When & Where: This event will be…

  • On Wednesday, September 18th, from 12:00 – 12:50 p.m.
  • In Addlestone Library, Room 127

Details: Enjoy a discussion on how organic chemists pursue new drug discoveries and the synthesis of new organic molecules and learn about chemical synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and interpreting the organic hieroglyphics that are used to describe molecules. Dr. Barker will also explain how his lab has been developing inhibitors aimed at new treatments for depression and related medical conditions.

This event is free and open to all! Lunch will be provided. Click this link to learn more or add the event to your calendar.

Attend the 2024 NeuroIMPACT Conference on May 2nd!

The annual NeuroIMPACT Conference will be held in Charleston on May 2, 2024! This year’s theme is AI in Neuroscience: Transforming Care, Education and Collaboration. Attendees can enjoy talks and panel discussions with colleagues from other South Carolina institutions (MUSC, Clemson, USC, etc) as well as Harvard, Univ of Buffalo, George Washington, Emory, and many others.

Highlights Include:

  • Three parallel sessions covering how AI will transform care of clinical neuroscience patients, education in clinical neuroscience, and collaborations between academia, business and nonprofit entities.
  • A job fair for our trainees attended by academic institutions, Fortune 500 companies, and recruiting agencies.
  • Vendors in the AI space will be present throughout campus to allow attendees to sample technologies from VR, AR, robotics and others.
  • Community members at large, including clinical providers of all neuro-specialties, will be invited to attend. CME will be offered.

Event Schedule: The conference will be on Thursday, May 2nd, with breakfast starting at 7:30 a.m. and the day ending by 4:30 p.m. A full agenda can be found here.

To Attend: Scan the QR code on the flyer or click this link to register. The conference is free for all attendees!

Click here for more information about the conference.

Attend Lab to Leaders and Learn How Research Gets Done at MUSC

SC-PEAR (Policy, Engagement, Advocacy, and Research) is hosting a poster symposium for MUSC students to present their research, and CofC students are invited to attend!


  • Gain insight into what MUSC students are researching and how they go about doing it
  • Mingle with MUSC students and professors
  • Learn about significant issues in the health and science communities

When & Where: The event will be…

  • On Friday, April 19th, from 2:00-4:30 p.m.
  • In the MUSC Bioengineering Building Lobby (68 President St)

For more information, check out the provided flyer or email either co-director of SC-PEAR at martinom@musc.edu or corker@musc.edu.