Become a Peer Advisor with the Academic Advising and Planning Center

The Academic Advising and Planning Center is looking for three Peer Advisors for the 2022 – 2023 academic year. Peer advisors may either start this summer or next fall.

This is a great leadership opportunity for any student; no experience required, Peer Advisors will be trained by the Academic Advising and Planning Center.

The deadline to apply for this position is February 6th at 5:00pm. Students interested will need to provide two letters of recommendation; one from a professor and one from a former employer. Letters of recommendation may be submitted here.

Check out more information and how to apply here!

College of Charleston Global Game Jam 2022

Calling all gamers, coders, and video game enthusiasts!

The College of Charleston’s Computer Science Department will be hosting a Jamsite for the upcoming Global Game Jam 2022 at Harbor Walk starting on January 28th at 4:00pm. Global Game Jam 2022 is an international 48hour competition to create the best digital or analog video game.

All students, regardless of experience, are welcome to attend. Power and wifi will be provided. This is a great opportunity for any students interested in the world of video gaming.

Students interested can learn more and register at the link here!

Apply Today to Serve as a BGS Peer Facilitator Next Fall

Get paid to serve as a mentor to the incoming class of 2026

The Honors College is seeking Honors students to serve as Peer Facilitators for the HONS 100: Beyond George Street course to be taught in Fall 2022. Students will be selected based on individual BGS performance, review of the application, statement of interest, and interview.

Peer Facilitators will serve as mentors for the Class of 2026 in a variety of different aspects. Training is provided through a 2-credit training course that students enroll in during the Spring 2022 semester.

Peer Facilitators will commit to at least 7 hours per week in Fall 2022, including class meeting time and one BGS Team meeting per week. Students will be paid $10/hour.

To apply: please submit the following three items to by 5pm on November 16th:

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Peer Facilitator Requirements:

· Member of the Honors College in good standing

· Either currently enrolled or completed Honors First Year Experience (BGS and Honors Engaged)

· Availability to take Spring 2022 Express training course (Express I : MW 3:00 – 4:40 or Express II: TR 3:05 – 4:45)

· Attend Spring 2022 retreat (to be held on one of the first three Saturdays/Sundays in April)

· Attend Fall 2022 retreat which will be held the Thursday before the 1st day of class

· Willingness to plan Fall 2022 schedule to accommodate Honors BGS (this includes keeping the time for our weekly team meeting open and keeping the period before and after the assigned class meeting time open)

· No more than 15 hours of course load in Fall 2022 (negotiable in some cases)

· No more than 15 hours of outside activities – including other jobs/clubs/sports

For all questions, please reach out to


The Center for Student Learning is Hiring SMART Coaches

Get paid to support your peers and sharpen your mentorship skills in the process

A SMART (Students Meeting, Achieving, + Reaching Together) Coach meets with students who request an academic coaching appointment through the Center for Student Learning website. Coaching appointments may include: time and self-management support, development and implementation of effective study strategies, and goal-setting. Appointments may be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly, and may be held in person or on Zoom. SMART coaches will be asked to enroll in TEDU 205: Exploring Peer Leadership, a 2 credit hour (elective), P/F, Express 1 or 2 class (details TBD) as well as participate in CSL-led training.

Qualifications for SMART Coaches include:

  • Minimum sophomore standing or min. 24 CofC credit hours
  • Min. 2.0 cumulative and major GPA
  • Recommendation from one professor, advisor, or other CofC staff who has witnessed your academic ability
  • Demonstrable knowledge of a wide variety of academic success strategies and techniques
  • Demonstrable qualities including: empathy, kindness, active listening, respect for others

Rate of Pay: $9.50/hr

Hours per Week: varies based on need/request

How to apply:

Financial Wellness Initiative kicks off in Cougar Mall

Sharpen your financial skills with Career Center’s new program

Wondering about the personal finance decisions that await you in post-grad life? The Career Center can help! Join us on Monday, November 8, from 1-3:30 p.m. as we kick off our brand new Financial Wellness Program.

Enjoy cookies, candy, and Clyde in Cougar Mall as you meet with local banks and learn about our new financial wellness services

RSVP HERE for the in-person event. Can’t make it to Cougar Mall? Join us on Zoom from 5:30-6:30 for an overview of our services and a chance to meet in small groups with local financial leaders. REGISTER FOR ZOOM EVENT HERE.

Tales From the Healthcare Frontline

Hear from a panel of distinguished College of Charleston alumni and medical professionals

CofC Alumni Weekend Presents:  A panel of distinguished College of Charleston alumni and medical professionals share their experiences from the front lines of the COVID pandemic. A reception following the program will feature drinks and light hors d’oeuvres as well as an opportunity to interact with the College of Charleston EMS Program students and hear about their unique role within the campus community.

Friday, November 19, 2021 AT 4:00 PM
at the Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center, Room 101

Admission: $25 per person.
Proceeds from this event benefit the CofC EMT Program. $7 of each ticket purchase is a charitable donation and may be deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law.

For Tickets Visit:

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Panelists Include:
• Moderator — Susan Hilsman ’83, Physician (Retired) At Spartanburg Regional Wound
Healing Center
• Marc Bahan ’90, Pediatrician At Pee Dee Pediatrics
• Jackson Hartley ’19, Md Candidate At UofSC School Of Medicine
• Katherine Twombley ’96, Chief Pediatric Nephrology Medical Director
• Dil Patel ’11, Radiologist At Savannah Chatham Imaging
• Reilly Walker ’20, CofC EMS Coordinator



Volunteer at the Black Student Union’s 5th Annual Children’s Carnival

Earn service hours, meet new people, and support the community

The College of Charleston’s Black Student Union is looking for volunteers for their 5th annual Children’s Carnival on November 13th from 11:00am to 2:00pm in the Cistern Yard. Volunteer shifts are available from 9:00am to 12:00pm and 12:00pm to 3:00pm.

For all students interested in volunteering, please fill out the google form here.

All volunteers should report to Rita 101 at their chosen time; volunteers will be assigned roles upon arrival.

For any questions, please reach out to CofC Black Student Union.

*All volunteers must follow CofC COVID-19 guidelines

Become a Charleston 40 Tour Guide Today!

Charleston 40 is recruiting new Tour Guides!

Charleston 40, College of Charleston’s Tour Guide Association, is currently looking for new members. The purpose of Charleston 40 is to provide tours, represent the campus to any interested person(s), and facilitate the needs of the Office of Admissions. Charleston 40 holds bi-weekly meetings, and new guides are required to give 1 tour per week.

For any students interested, please complete the Google Form linked below by September 24th.

Google Form:

For any questions, please reach out to Morgan Lattomus at