Friends of MSF at CofC Virtual Event

On Thursday, March 24th at 7 pm, Friends of MSF will have a Tanya Morshed, a speaker from MSF, presenting via zoom.

Tanya Morshed is an experienced social worker who previously served as a Mental Health Activity Manager in the field with MSF; Tanya Morshed also participated in a small response for Afghan refugees during her assignment in Tajikistan.

Interested Students may RSVP and find the Zoom Link here!

CofC Stages Production Opportunities!

There is still time to volunteer to work backstage on a CofC Stages production this semester! Many of the positions that need to be filled can be learned on the job, so let your curiosity be your guide. Work backstage for a THTR 201 credit or just do it to be a part of the College of Charleston’s vibrant arts community.

Read on below to discover the opportunities that are available, and contact Dr. Vivian Appler at with your interest and questions.

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THE MAGIC FLUTE (2/17-2/28)
• Wardrobe Crew
• Sound Board Operator

EVERYBODY (3/11-3/20)
• Wardrobe Crew
• Lighting Programmer
• Sound Board Operator
• Stage Hands
• Camera Operator
• Captioning/Editing

WANDERLUST: Student Dance (3/18-3/27)
• Fly Rail
• Sound Board Operator
• Camera Operator

CABARET (4/7-4/16)
• Lighting Programmer
• Sound Board Operator
• Fly Rail
• Sound Assistant
• Follow Spot Operator
• Camera Operators


Volunteer at the Black Student Union’s 5th Annual Children’s Carnival

Earn service hours, meet new people, and support the community

The College of Charleston’s Black Student Union is looking for volunteers for their 5th annual Children’s Carnival on November 13th from 11:00am to 2:00pm in the Cistern Yard. Volunteer shifts are available from 9:00am to 12:00pm and 12:00pm to 3:00pm.

For all students interested in volunteering, please fill out the google form here.

All volunteers should report to Rita 101 at their chosen time; volunteers will be assigned roles upon arrival.

For any questions, please reach out to CofC Black Student Union.

*All volunteers must follow CofC COVID-19 guidelines

Become a Charleston 40 Tour Guide Today!

Charleston 40 is recruiting new Tour Guides!

Charleston 40, College of Charleston’s Tour Guide Association, is currently looking for new members. The purpose of Charleston 40 is to provide tours, represent the campus to any interested person(s), and facilitate the needs of the Office of Admissions. Charleston 40 holds bi-weekly meetings, and new guides are required to give 1 tour per week.

For any students interested, please complete the Google Form linked below by September 24th.

Google Form:

For any questions, please reach out to Morgan Lattomus at

Expand Your Social Network with the Honors Outreach Committee

Meet new friends within the Honors community at the Outreach Committee’s Mix n’ Mingle social gathering

Get a chance to meet other Honors students as well as representatives from several identity-based organizations on campus! For both new and returning students, this event is a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with old friends! Light refreshments will be available. All are welcome! (All Covid protocols will be followed.)

Wednesday, September 15th from 5:00-6:00 PM

Location: Barnett Courtyard (the outdoor courtyard across George Street from CVS; rain location: RITA 101)

Join Minorities in Medicine!

Minorities in Medicine is a student organization that services to educate and promote diversity within the medical field. Striving to enhance the lives of members and associates, they put their best foot forward through hands-on experience in the medical field along with the services within. The organization’s service initiatives target four main areas: health education, health awareness, global health awareness, and community outreach.

Interested in joining? You can join Minorities in Medicine on Cougar Connect, follow them on Instagram at @cofc_minoritiesnmeds, or attend events and general body meetings to learn more!

If you have any questions, please contact the club at or reach out to Founder and President Katlyne Jeter at

Interested in improving diversity and inclusion in the Honors College? Join the Outreach Committee!

The Outreach Committee is looking for new members who want to make a positive and lasting change in the Honors College. If you are interested, fill out this Google Form and contact Aliece Hurley ( or Andrea Kimpson ( for more information!








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The Outreach Committee…

  • Works with administration on recruitment and retention processes
  • Has the opportunity to be part of a new and innovative committee with a direct impact
  • Builds communities within the Honors College

Past/Current Initiatives…

  • Series on Race
  • Revising the Charleston Fellows Interview Weekend review process to mitigate bias
  • Developing Honors affinity groups
  • Process for existing students to join the Charleston Fellows Program
