Defeat the Dean Trivia Challenge

This CofC Day, Dean Meyer-Bernstein is is challenging Honors students to a game of trivia!

She’s assembled a formidable team made up of boss level brainiacs. Think you have what it takes to defeat them?

Defeat the Dean Trivia Challenge
Wednesday, March 19, 5-7 p.m.
Kudu Coffee courtyard

Who’s up for the challenge? The trivia game is open to all Honors students. You can register as a team (of up to four players), or as an individual (and we’ll place you on a team!).

What’s at Stake: Each participant will be asked to contribute a $5 CofC Day donation as part of their “entry fee.” If a team is able to take down the Dean’s super squad, that team will win $100!

  • All remaining proceeds go to the Dean’s Excellence Fund in support of scholarships, mentorship, and experiential learning.

Space is extremely limited, so sign up today!