Experience the job interview process from a whole new vantage point with You’re Hired! A Mock Interview & Resume Review Workshop hosted by the Honors College.
The Workshop: Tuesday, April 4, 5:30 p.m.
How it Works: Learn best practices for resumes and job interviews by flipping the tables! You become the hiring manage and review resumes, interview candidates, and make a hiring decision as a way to help you plan for the job application process.
- Students will form hiring committees and conduct rapid-fire interviews with special guest candidates. Each hiring committee will make a real-time hiring decision, followed by a group debriefing where we’ll answer your questions and reveal tips for interviews and resumes.
- After the workshop, students can stay for personalized, one-on-one resume feedback.
Benefits: Learn tips and techniques for a successful job interview / Learn about common resume and interview missteps and how to avoid them / Receive personalized feedback on your own resume
How to Register: Read below for more details, and then sign up to participate.
Mock Interview & Resume Review Workshop
We're flipping the tables and allowing you to make the hiring decision! This workshop will allow students to review resumes, ask interview questions, and make a hiring decision in real time, so that you can experience the process from the other side of the table and learn tips and best practices for your own job search process.
How the workshop works:
Part I (20-30 min.)
Student participants team up and form “hiring committees" tasked with hiring someone for a mock job (we'll share the job description with you ahead of time).
Your committee will meet with a series of job candidates who've applied for the position. You'll review their resume and ask them interview questions.
After five minutes the candidates until each committee has met with every candidate. Your committee will then have to decide which candidate you'd like to hire for the position.
Part Two (~15-20 minutes)
The entire group will come together to discuss their experiences. Each committee will explain who they hired and why. Students will then have a chance to ask general questions of the guests, and guests will share personalized feedback on interview/resume tips and best practices.
Part Three (~15-20 minutes)
Students will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with one of our special guests to review their own personal resume and receive personalized feedback and informal mentoring.