The Faculty Lecture Series, a collaboration between the Friends of the Library and the Honors College, returns with a look at how sponges have successfully expanded across marine and freshwater habitats around the globe.
When: Wednesday, September 21 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in Addlestone Library room 227.
The lecture: Dr. Chris Freeman, Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology, will discuss his research on key adaptations that sponges have for survival on Caribbean coral reefs.
- Go deeper: You will learn about how sponges are ravenous consumers of small organisms like bacteria and phytoplankton and how the ecological success of some species is linked to their evolutionary investment in microbial symbionts.
Great fit for: Students interested in ecology, biodiversity, and conservation biology.
How to register: Event is free and open to the public; register ahead of time to reserve a free box lunch! Those who don’t pre-register are still encouraged to attend.