The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium is seeking undergraduate students to conduct community-based projects that focus on community environmental and resilience needs.
For more information regarding the Community Engaged Internship projects, eligibility, and how to apply please visit the Community Engaged Internships webpage.
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium Community Engaged Internship Program (SCSGC-CEI) is part of the National Sea Grant Community Engaged Internship (CEI) Program.
Students will enhance their experience through participation in all CEI professional development and training opportunities, mentorship by Consortium staff, and peer discussions with other participants in CEI across the country. Interns will work with a Sea Grant Consortium staff member, and often a community member or group, to develop a summer project in their community.
Internships will last 10-12 weeks and require up to 30 hours/week.
Applications are due April 29th.
Please contact Brita Jessen with any questions!