The Marine Biology Graduate Student Colloquium was held on September 24-25, 2010. This year’s keynote speaker was Dr. Win Watson from the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Watson’s studies include neurophysiology, ecology and behavior of marine organisms. His keynote address was on Friday, September 24 followed by a poster session and social. Student oral presentations took place on Saturday, September 25 followed by Dr. Watson’s closing address. Additionally on Saturday, there was a Colloquium Social featuring Lowcountry Boil held at the Outdoor Classroom during which the new students were introduced. Many graduate students in Marine Biology presented their research. The 2010 Marine Biology Graduate Student Colloquium showcased the student’s hard work and dedication to the marine science field. Thank you for joining us in support of the students and the exciting research conducted in the Fort Johnson community. Follow the 2010 Colloquium link above for a detailed event schedule and to review the poster and presentation abstracts.