Three, Two, One, Happy New Year! Time to make my new years resolution. My goal for this year is to go to the Gym Monday- Friday for forty-five minutes to an hour. Now everyone knows that new years resolutions sometimes do not last long. This new routine worked out pretty well until school started and also work. Being a full time student and going to work straight after school has not been one of my favorite past times. I started to realize really quiz how much my body hated me because I was not getting the proper rest that I needed.
Along with the gym resolution I made up one for my diet as well. I had decided that I was going to go fully Organic non GMO products along with little amounts of meat. Purchasing the products and sticking to organic non GMO products was the easiest part of this resolution. The meat on the other hand was not. Living and walking in downtown Charleston is an awful thing when your on a diet. You start to smell the aromas of the food which then becomes a distraction.
So far I have been sticking to my diet. After a month of eating right I can tell the difference in the energy that I have. One day I had a cheat day to where I stopped at a fast food restaurant and it did not go well. My stomach is so use to not having that type of food for a month that it will dislike anything but my diet. I am still trying to work out the whole gym schedule. The concept of the gym and diet is not to mainly loose weight but to fix the bad habits that I have developed. I understand that not everyone is perfect with trying to stick with their resolution. It’s just that I do not want to give up so easily on the healthy lifestyle change that I need.
Happy New Year! Congratulations on the newfound energy and for sticking to your goals. I think it’s a good sign to feel a little sick after eating fast food; it means your body is used to a better diet. Good luck on keeping it up!