One product that I know I cannot live without are my Nike running shoes. I wear mine almost every day because of how good they feel on my feet. My Nikes are light, comfortable, stylish and… mostly synthetic. The design…
Consumer Analysis of Batteries (#3)
As a consumer, one product I find myself constantly purchasing is batteries. Almost all of the gadgets and transportation used in the United States comes from the power of batteries. In every battery there is three main parts that are…
Shaving Down Your Ecological Footprint

Razors, a familiar product that most of us probably use on a regular basis. Have you ever contemplated the intricate design of these disposable items though? Most disposable razors and replaceable razor-heads are composed of a mixture of metal, plastic,…
Why Salmon Eating Insects Instead of Fish Is Better for Environment
The article, “Why Salmon Eating Insects Instead of Fish is Better for the Environment,” by Heather Brady was posted onto National Geographic news on February 5, 2018. The article discusses the aquaculture of salmon and how replacing fish-based feed to…