“An Inconvenient Truth” is a 2006 documentary written by former Vice President Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim. The film is centered on the former VP’s life mission to educate the public about environmental issues, namely climate change. Although…
WASTE DEEP Documentary and Be Zero Q&A
Every year the College of Charleston’s Office of Sustainability hosts a Sustainability Week. This year it takes place during the week of April 9th through the 11th. Today, Monday April 9th I attended a viewing of the mini-documentary “Waste Deep”,…
Documentary: Minimalism
There are many documentaries especially on Netflix that shed light on issues surrounding our environment and also the cultural habits of our nation. The documentary, Minimalism, is about two men, Ryan and Josh, who travel around to different expeditions to…
In Defense of Food
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. This documentary is an extension of the authored by Michael Pollan. It explores the confusion of what foods to eat, what is healthy, and analyzes the American diet and food lifestyle. With diabetes…
Mission Blue
Within the past few hundred years, human activity has devastated the natural world and caused nearly irreversible environmental damage. Due to rapid climate change, marine species have been subject to these adverse conditions, among these, ocean acidification and warming waters…
Review of “War on the EPA”
The Frontline Film titled “War on the EPA” provides insights into the way in which the regulations around the EPA have changed since President Trump was elected, how the Obama administration effected these changes, and how the leaders in charge…
The Rise of Vertical Farming (Blog #2)
7.4 billion people make up the earth’s population today. This statistic is supposed to increase drastically over the next forty years leaving behind questions of resources and the abundance of land to produce enough food for everyone. Our overall food…