This spring break, I had the privilege of going on an Alternative Spring Break through the Center for Civic Engagement to a place in Washburn, Tennessee, called Narrow Ridge. Narrow Ridge is an Earth literacy center that serves as…
News Article: A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment Nat Geo article posted March 23, 2018 This post in National Geographic keeps an updated timeline of how the Trump Administration is making changes to legislation affecting the environment in real-time. This is an incredibly important tool to be…
Points of Intervention Talk
I went to the points of intervention talk in February and heard a panel speak on the different ways in which it is possible to intervene in our linear economy. The focus of the talk was to give real life…
Western Super Ethic
One of my favorite parts about environmental studies is environmental ethics. I find it incredibly interesting to use ethical frameworks to decide whether or not the things we hold true are ethical. Last year, in an Environmental Ethics class I…
“Teacher seeks pupil. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person.”
Last year, while I was attending Clemson University, I took an Environmental Ethics philosophy class. One of the required readings was Ishmael, a 1992 novel by Daniel Quinn. Like the other readings assigned, I expected this book to be on…