This is a political comic from The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The comic artist is named Rob Rogers. The text shows an ape talking to a GOP representative, saying, “Man-made pollution caused global warming, which led to the destruction of the…
My Personal Lifestyle Change
I have recently be considering to change about my lifestyle over the last couple of weeks. This consideration really began when I was assigned a project for my nutrition class, which was changing something about our diet and tracking that…
The Role of Peace in Sustainability
I recently attended the panel for peace week about the relationship between peace and sustainability. The three panelists delved into the various aspects of humans and their relationship to the environment, and how current systems and trends in society affect…
My Relationship with Mother Nature

I never felt overly attached to nature or the natural world. Animals have always held a special place in my heart, ever since I was a child. The abiotic and biotic factors in nature beyond animals, however, never seemed to…
Humans take up too much space–and it’s affecting how mammals move
How Big is our Footprint Really? It’s quite evident that the human population is increasing every year. With this increase comes greater area use. Spreading out and using up more resources seems like a simple solution to human population…