Within the past few hundred years, human activity has devastated the natural world and caused nearly irreversible environmental damage. Due to rapid climate change, marine species have been subject to these adverse conditions, among these, ocean acidification and warming waters…
Equal Means Equal
“The US Constitution was written by a bunch of old white men with the intent of keeping women and people of color out of politics and this does not reflect the current values of our society, something needs to change,”…
Shaving Down Your Ecological Footprint

Razors, a familiar product that most of us probably use on a regular basis. Have you ever contemplated the intricate design of these disposable items though? Most disposable razors and replaceable razor-heads are composed of a mixture of metal, plastic,…
GMO labeling—just another form of greenwashing?

Within the past few years, GMO labeling has become a huge marketing trend. Big name brands such as Ben and Jerry’s and General Mills have hopped on this trend (hopefully to raise awareness of the issue but possibly just to…
EU Assigns New Environment Council President
On January 1 of this year, the European Union assigned a new president to the Environment Council a Forbes article written by Dave Keating reports. If you are unfamiliar with the EU’s rotation of governmental power, every six months…