I recently submitted my artwork for the Sustainability Week Art Showcase. It was just accepted to be shown on Wednesday, April 11 from 6:30-8:30pm at the Blacklock House on 18 Bull Street. The event is free and open to the…
Choosing Outside
As a child, I think everyone has a strong affinity to the natural world. Every little kid always begs to go outside and loves rolling around in the grass. I was the same way, but as I grew older I…
Product Review: Rebel Green
After learning a lot about the waste of single use plastics working at the Halsey Institute, as mentioned in my previous blog post, I have been very conscious of strategically examining my personal investment in these products. Laundry detergent is…
Changing My Footprint: More Recycling, Less Waste
After doing the ecological footprint exercise, I started to closely examine the amount of personal waste I leave behind. I experimented with the amount of disposables which I recycled and I saw that with a change to 100% recycling I…
Plastics Part in Coral Destruction
The New York Times published an article entitled “Billions of Plastic Pieces Litter Coral in Asia and Australia” on January 25, 2018. This story summarizes a survey recently published in the Science journal. This study, conducted by Dr. Lamb, coral…