So, for my last blog I decided to do the Media Analyze again because there are so many amazing environmental artists out there who are really trying to send a strong message to the world through their unique work. This week…
Blog 5 Kenya Crack Caused by Rain
Tim Krok Africa is slowly splitting in two – but this ‘crack’ in Kenya has little to do with it This blog is about a news story from The Guardian published April 6, 2018. The article discusses the newly formed…
Environmental Pollution Agency
Two days ago our commander in chief tweeted about how proud he is of our head of the EPA and what a great job he’s been doing. For this post I decided to cover a news article posted on CNN…
Consumer Product Review: Tesla Electric Semi-Truck
In this article, I will be doing a product review for new technology coming out in the upcoming years. This new technology is the Tesla electric powered semi-truck, and it has the potential to completely change the environmental impact from…
Guest Speaker: Justin McGonigal
Last Monday, we had a guest speaker that came to our class named Justin McGonigal who works at MUSC and specializes in nutrition. When he came to our classroom he discussed sustainable nutrition, which tied into what we were learning…
WASTE DEEP Documentary and Be Zero Q&A
Every year the College of Charleston’s Office of Sustainability hosts a Sustainability Week. This year it takes place during the week of April 9th through the 11th. Today, Monday April 9th I attended a viewing of the mini-documentary “Waste Deep”,…
Documentary: Minimalism
There are many documentaries especially on Netflix that shed light on issues surrounding our environment and also the cultural habits of our nation. The documentary, Minimalism, is about two men, Ryan and Josh, who travel around to different expeditions to…
“How do we affect the cause rather than cause the effect”. Speech presented by Lawrence Bloom
Lawrence Bloom, Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation spoke at a conference hosted by the sustainability department here at the college a few weeks ago pertaining to “Water and Economic Sustainability: How do we affect the cause rather than…
Water and Economic Sustainability: A Lecture by Lawrence Bloom
Last week I attended a lecture by Lawrence Bloom that he titled “Water and Economic Sustainability: How do we affect the cause rather than cause the effect”. When I first got to the lecture I didn’t know what to expect,…