I have always felt very connected to the natural world. As a child, it did not matter if the sun was shining or if it was raining, I always wanted to be outside. I have a strong connection to nature…
Instrumental Value of Deforestation
I chose a political cartoon for my media analysis because I think there are various angles that can be seen in the artwork, and this particular cartoon was extremely relevant to our class material. The basic text expresses that one…
Recycle Oyster Shells To Restore Habitat Loss
This past month there was a service event hosted by DNR SCORE which is South Carolina’s Oyster Restoration and Enhancement program, the service involved prepping bags of oysters shells for building reefs this year. When arriving on the site for…
Blog Assignment #2 Consumer Analysis
Mckenzie Mattison Consumer Analysis Feb 18th, 2018 A very important product to me, and a lot of other people, would have to be shampoo and conditioner; Or for that matter, any hair-care product. I tend to find myself buying shampoo…
Changing My Footprint: More Recycling, Less Waste
After doing the ecological footprint exercise, I started to closely examine the amount of personal waste I leave behind. I experimented with the amount of disposables which I recycled and I saw that with a change to 100% recycling I…
Personal Change- Recycling
Personal Change Not until I started taking the Environmental and Sustainability studies class was I ever aware of how important recycling is. This class intrigued me to made me complete research and really changed…
World’s biggest city database shines light on our increasingly urbanized planet
In an article titled “World’s biggest city database shines light on our increasingly urbanized planet” published by Science Daily, the author discusses how the world’s largest data platform on cities reveals the planet is even more urbanized than we thought. The…
Sea Levels Rising Rapidly – Blog Post 2
Please find the article here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180212150739.htm Jason-3 satellite mission helped detect an acceleration in sea level rise. Credit: NOAA I found an article that was published yesterday, February 12, 2018, via the ScienceDaily. The title reads “Sea level rise…
GMO labeling—just another form of greenwashing?

Within the past few years, GMO labeling has become a huge marketing trend. Big name brands such as Ben and Jerry’s and General Mills have hopped on this trend (hopefully to raise awareness of the issue but possibly just to…
Switching from oil to solar energy in Saudi Arabia
The New York Times have recently published an article titled “From Oil to Solar: Saudi Arabia Plots a Shift to Renewables. In all of its life, Saudi Arabia has oil that is pumped throughout the kingdom. The oil that is…