Let’s face it, the arts have a tremendous impact on its audience for certain topics, espeically in film. It can be either for the best or the worst; for example, after Mean Girls came out almost every viewer, espeically those…
Western Super Ethic
One of my favorite parts about environmental studies is environmental ethics. I find it incredibly interesting to use ethical frameworks to decide whether or not the things we hold true are ethical. Last year, in an Environmental Ethics class I…
Assignment #2
When I read the headline of the article, I was interested to read why would it be the cause of the problem. The article is about why using deodorant is making the air less clear. We all know having deodorant,…
My Relationship with Mother Nature

I never felt overly attached to nature or the natural world. Animals have always held a special place in my heart, ever since I was a child. The abiotic and biotic factors in nature beyond animals, however, never seemed to…
Can the Games be Green?
I chose to write about an article from the New York Times titled, “Higher, faster, more sustainable”. The article is dated February 21, 2018. The author’s name is Kendra Pierre-Louis and she’s a part of the climate team…
Personal Change
This month in our Environmental Studies class we conducted an ecological footprint assignment to determine how we affect the earth individually. The results I received shocked me. I didn’t realize how much I contributed to the degradation of our planet.…
Media- John Sabraw Chroma Series
For my media analysis, I decided to look at John Sabraw’s toxic sludge paintings. Honestly, I had never heard of this before I researched this assignment but it is a very unique idea. By using toxic runoff found in the…
Traffic Congestion Causes Adverse Health Affects
“I love this town but the traffic is killing me” is the first thing that catches the viewers eye when reading this advertisement. At first glance, you might not realize what this ad could possibly be talking about. Exploring the…
Ocean Refuge the Size of Great Britain Announced
The oceans make up most of the Earth’s service and contains an enormous amount of biodiversity. The process of gathering fish for human consumption is destroying this biodiversity at an alarming rate. Species such as tuna are being fished to…
A Brave New World
One of the most pressing environmental and economic issues facing humanity is the crisis related to resource depletion and environmental exploitation. We have touched on this issue many times throughout the course so far. We considered our society’s current linear…