The New York Times have recently published an article titled “From Oil to Solar: Saudi Arabia Plots a Shift to Renewables. In all of its life, Saudi Arabia has oil that is pumped throughout the kingdom. The oil that is…
Dellz on the Macon- Recovery Brunch

Four layered cheese Mac n’ Cheese, collard greens cooked in oxtail and chicken broth, starchy cornbread, high fructose corn syrup covered yams, smothered fried chicken, and boiled chitterlings with a touch of hot sauce, red drinks, and banana pudding: the…
Not the Last Straw
Louise Greenwood in her article, “Are we stuck with plastic drinking straws?” published by BBC states that a leading maker of single-use plastic straws has hit a wall in the development of an environmentally friendly alternative. Primaplast is a manufacturer…
How Friendly are our Smart Phones?
Without it there is a very high probability I would miss my morning classes, get lost driving to the doctors office, and find myself having nothing to procrastinate with; this especially would be tragic. In the 1990’s technology had made…
Humans take up too much space–and it’s affecting how mammals move
How Big is our Footprint Really? It’s quite evident that the human population is increasing every year. With this increase comes greater area use. Spreading out and using up more resources seems like a simple solution to human population…
New Research will help beef industry increase sustainability
As we all know, beef production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Increasing the sustainability of the process could greatly impact climate change directly. To put it in simple terms, the cow’s farts release heavy amounts of gases…
Joy-Ann Reid Student Session and Panel Discussion
Last week Joy-Ann Reid from MSNBC visited the College of Charleston and moderated a panel discussion titled 365: The first year under the Trump administration. Mrs. Reid is a political news anchor on a Saturday morning news show titled AMJoy.…
The Next Big Volcano could Briefly Cool Earth and NASA wants to be ready
In this article, the author starts off with discussing a brief history of large volcanos erupting and their effects. A volcano in the Philippines called Mount Pinatubo, blew up twenty million tons of sulfur dioxide gas into the air along…
Why Salmon Eating Insects Instead of Fish Is Better for Environment
The article, “Why Salmon Eating Insects Instead of Fish is Better for the Environment,” by Heather Brady was posted onto National Geographic news on February 5, 2018. The article discusses the aquaculture of salmon and how replacing fish-based feed to…
Demand for More Sustainable Packaging
This article was written on February 4th by Food Engineering Magazine. The author, Sean Riley discusses that the demand for easily recyclable materials is continuing to grow. Consumers today are becoming more aware of the relationship between consumption and environmental impact.…