Course Description

In this course, we will read, view, and respond to stories, poems, short novels, films, and television episodes. We will discuss how these art forms work, why they matter, and what they teach us about the world beyond the classroom. Such discussions should enhance and deepen our enjoyment of both literature and film.

The theme of this particular class is love. We will look at works that focus on love from many different perspectives, studying the ways that authors and directors represent love through language, image, and sound.

The course will use OAKS for turning in papers and assignments and for publishing grades. But the course materials appear on a class website that, in my view, is more visually appealing, more intuitive, easier to use, and easier to find materials on than OAKS. The URL for the class website is You’ll probably want to bookmark this site for easy reference.

Most of the course readings are available as PDF files posted on the class website.  The only books you will be required to buy are The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo and the graphic memoir Fun Home by Alison Bechdel.