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Adam Smith Week 2016

Posted by: blackwellc | May 11, 2016 | No Comment |

The 8th Annual Adam Smith week was a great success. Over 600 students, faculty and community members participated in eight events. Held the third week of March (the 21st to the 25th), this year’s activities included presentations, panel discussions and workshops.

Guest speakers spoke on a variety of topics. Dr. Michelle Vachris gave a presentation on the linkages between Adam Smith and Jane Austen. Dr. Chris Coyne spoke on the insights Adam Smith had for foreign affairs.  Dr. Carl Schramm examined the role of the entrepreneur according to Smith. Dr. Alex Tabarrok discussed Adam Smith’s famous “invisible hand.”

Dr. Alex Tabarrok of George Mason University speaks on Adam Smith’s “invisible hand.”

College of Charleston faculty Chris Day, Kelly Shaver and David Wyman also participated in panel discussions on foreign affairs and entrepreneurship.

The week ended with alumni Brad DeVos, Jamie Shafer, and Erica Von Nessen sharing their experiences on the value of an economics degree with current students.

Thanks to the Center for Public Choice and Market Process for continuing to organize this great event!

Erica Von Nessen, Jamie Shafer and Brad DeVos (from left) speak at the Alumni Panel Discussion.

under: Alumni, Students

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