The Department of Computer Science is at the forefront of big data and offers the first undergraduate data science program of its kind. Dr. Paul Anderson, Assistant Professor and Data Science Program Director, is working to incorporate data science fundamentals in computing curriculum, beyond the College of Charleston. Led by Primary Investigator Brandeis Marshall at Spelman…
Yearly Archives: 2016
Welcome Back Computer Science Students!!! Welcome Class of 2020!!!
The faculty and staff hope you had a great summer and welcome you to the 2016-2017 academic year! The following are tips to help with a smooth transition from summer to classes: o Classes start Tuesday, August 23rd! o Last day of Add/Drop is Monday, August 29th. For questions or concerns, please contact the Stephanie Smith…
Announcing Participants of the Fall 2016 Computer Science Research Speaker Series
The Department of Computer Science at the College of Charleston is excited to announce participants of the Fall 2016 Computer Science Research Speaker Series A 13 week series, each week a faculty or guest speaker will discuss professional, ethical, legal, and social issues and responsibilities in computing. Presentations will be held: Harbor Walk West, …
Where in the World is CS Faculty: Dr. Bill Manaris and Students Present at NIME 2016 in Brisbane, Australia
Computing in the Arts (CITA) program director Dr. Bill Manaris and CITA students, Chris Benson and Seth Stoudenmier, presented at the 16th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2016) in Brisbane, Australia on Wednesday, July 13, 2016. NIME 2016 is the premier academic conference in designing human-computer interfaces and interactions for musical…
Spring 2016 Research Hypothesis Course Results in 11 Student IEEE Publications
The department is excited to announce that eleven student research papers were chosen for presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Information Society (i-Society-2016) in Dublin, Ireland in October. Publications can be found on IEEE Xplore Digital Library. In the Spring 2016 semester, Dr. Aspen Olmsted taught CSIS 690, a special topics course on developing…
What You Need To Know About CS Graduate Program
• The Department of Computer Science is excited to announce Dr. Aspen Olmsted as the new Graduate Program Director. • Thank you to Dr. Anthony Leclerc for his dedicated service as Graduate Program Director from 2014 to 2016. • The program is a joint cooperation with The Graduate School of the University of Charleston, South…
The Department Hosted 22 Teachers For “Adventures in Alice Programming”
The department welcomed 22 teachers from middle and high schools in South Carolina for the annual workshop, “Adventures in Alice Programming.” From June 20-27, 2016, teachers learned the programming language and developed curriculum and lesson plans to integrate Alice into their discipline. Taught by Senior Instructor RoxAnn Stalvey, Alice is a 3D virtual worlds programming…
Student Spotlight: Elaina Cole Receives NCWIT Collegiate Award Honorable Mention
Congratulations to Elaina Cole, CS student ambassador and undergraduate researcher at CIRDLES, on receiving the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Collegiate Award Honorable Mention for her research project, “Engineering an Open Source Coordinate System Converter.” The NCWIT Collegiate Award, sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Qualcomm, honors the outstanding technical accomplishments of…
Where in the World is CS Faculty: Dr. Jim Bowring and Gabrielle Cozart Attend C4P Community Development Event in Boulder, Colorado
Dr. Jim Bowring, Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator for CIRDLES, and Gabrielle Cozart, undergraduate researcher/lead developer for CHRONI, have been invited to attend Collaboration and Cyberinfrastructure for Paleogeosciences – Community Development Event (C4P-CDE). The workshop will be held June 20th-21st, 2016 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. The specific goals…
Dr. Brent Munsell’s Research Selected for Publication and Presentation with Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
Dr. Brent Munsell’s research on “Identifying Relationships in Functional and Structural Connectome Data Using a Hypergraph Learning Method” has been selected for publication in the medical journal, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). Munsell will also attend the 19th International Conference, MICCAI 2016, to present the publication in October, in Athens, Greece. The…