The department is excited to announce that eleven student research papers were chosen for presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Information Society (i-Society-2016) in Dublin, Ireland in October.
Publications can be found on IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
In the Spring 2016 semester, Dr. Aspen Olmsted taught CSIS 690, a special topics course on developing a research hypothesis for graduate students and Senior undergraduates. In the course, each student chose an independent research problem, examined how other researchers tried to solve the problem, developed a hypothesis for a solution to the problem, and tested their results. The students wrote results in the form of an IEEE research paper.
The IEEE i-Society 2016 conference has an acceptance rate of approximately 25%, but for the CSIS 690 course, the acceptance rate was 86%! The following students will present at the conference:
- Matt Piazza (two accepted publications) – Cloud Payment Processing without Ritualistic Sacrifices: Reducing PCI-DSS Risk Surface with Thin Clients and Making it Rain with Cloud Payment Processing Vulnerabilities.
- Gayathri Parthasarathy – Natural Language Processing Pipeline for Temporal Information Extraction and Classification from Free Text Eligibility Criteria.
- Zachary Davis – Automating e-Surveys.
- Callum Brill (two accepted publications) – Examining International Information Conflict: Estonian and Georgian Case Study and Password Reinforcement Leveraging Social Media.
- Gayathri Santhanakrishnan (two accepted publications) – Fine-Grain vs. Coarse-Grain Web-Service for ETL Correctness and Performance in Cloud databases and Memory Leak detection in Android applications based on code patterns.
- Chris Cargile – Exposing Wiktionary Translations With Performance in Mind.
- Husna Siddiqui – Friend or Faux? Engineering Your Social Network to Detect Fraudulent Profiles.
- John Anderson – Decentralised, Dynamic Network Path Selection in High Performance Computing.
To learn more about the graduate program and graduate courses offered by the department, visit the Graduate Program page or contact