South Carolina Cancer Alliance Seeks Social Media Intern

The South Carolina Cancer Alliance (Alliance) is seeking a strong, independent, motivated intern to maintain the Alliance’s presence on various social media platforms. This educational experience will support the intern’s progress toward a career in public health/marketing work as well as build and strengthen relationships with collaborating organizations in the field.

Hours per week: 5
Estimated Start & End Date: August – December 2018

Through this internship, students will learn to:

  • Develop and implement a social media campaign for the Alliance’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
  • Promote social media messaging about various cancers, cancer awareness months, and upcoming events.
  • Respond to social media posts or comments to bring value to user’s interactions with the Alliance.
  • Grow the Alliance’s online social networks by increasing fan-base and interactions.
  • Update social media accounts with current and relevant photos.
  • Maintain current information and upcoming events on the Alliance website.

Qualifications (List):

  • Requires strong communication and analytical skills.
  • Proficient with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel.
  • Knowledge of Social Media

To apply, please email Henry Well, South Carolina Cancer Alliance Executive Director, at

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