Company: Wellness Five
Address: 14 Lockwood Drive, Charleston, SC 29401
Salary: $10 per hour
Wellness Five, the corporate division of Wellness Beyond Fifty, a health and wellness coaching company, is hiring a marketing and office assistant.
This is an opportunity to flex your creative and organizational muscles all in one job position. This individual would be part of developing new ways to market using social media and email to help grow a follower base. Plus, enjoy a flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely from time to time. Office location is 1 mile from the College of Charleston campus and parking is provided.
Job description: The assistant would oversee social media content creation, posting on social networks and increasing engagement to grow Wellness Five’s follower base. Additional tasks include assisting with overall marketing plan to include creating marketing promotions, reaching out to media and inputting data to client spreadsheets.
Candidates must be familiar with ALL social media platforms, Office 365 and Mail Chimp and/or Constant Contact contact management system and WordPress OR be willing to learn how to use these and other marketing platforms to grow a business following. ***Candidates must have imitative and a willingness to learn, create and implement new ideas, be extremely organized, and have the ability to work independently.