Internship with The Sophia Institute

The Sophia Institute is a small nonprofit here in Charleston that has been thriving for 14 years cultivating mindfulness and wisdom to create a more just, sustainable, and flourishing world.

Please click below for more information:

Internship flyer

The time commitment would be 10-15 hours per week, unpaid, and would give you an opportunity to work with a nonprofit in all aspects of the organization.

We focus our work on cultivating the divine feminine to bring balance to our society between the masculine and the feminine through bringing world renowned speakers and teachers to Charleston for special events and retreats.

We are also expanding our work with racial justice in the wake of the tragedy at Mother Emanuel and would provide a rich learning opportunity for any of your students. They will take part in activities such as event planning, donor relations, marketing, fundraising, and much, much more!

Interested? Contact Ms. Dee Partridge, Coordinator of Programs, Administration, & Development at

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