SC State Agency Looking to Fill Multiple Positions

The Community Relations and Development Division of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission is seeking interns for the spring, summer and fall semesters of 2017.  The Community Relations and Development Division has project opportunities in a variety of areas.  These include:

  • Database development and management
  • Film/Multimedia production
  • Historical, Sociological and Anthropological Review and Assessment of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Issues
  • Business process design and management
  • E-learning design and management
  • Website design and management
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Events Management
  • Community relations and development
  • Grant Research and Writing

The Community Relations and Development Division recently contracted the Institute of Community Development at the College of Charleston to review and revise the community relations and development system within South Carolina. The revision of the community relations and development system has generated multiple projects that provide interns with the opportunity to participate in an important societal and organizational change project, learn and apply important organizational and workplace competencies, and work in a supportive and creative environment. The following internships are available–


Database Project Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires reviewing an existing contact information system comprised of a variety of spreadsheets and databases, developing an organized and centralized system for gathering, storing and retrieving contact information, transferring and inputting existing contact information into the new system, and developing an efficient and effective system for sorting and retrieving information from the contacts database. Intern(s) are also required to set up sets of mailing lists within the web-based mass email system called MailChimp.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with spreadsheets and databases (Google spreadsheets, Excel, Access)
  • Familiar with the design of a contacts capture, organization and retrieval system
  • Set up a mass email system via MailChimp

Work Location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia.


  • A review of the existing contacts management system and the project objectives will take place at the beginning of internship
  • Online training modules on Google spreadsheets, Excel, Access, Managing a contacts database and MailChimp


Film (multimedia) Production Assistant/Coordinator (1)

This intern will use a studio and video, still image, sound and lighting equipment to capture scripted workplace behavior that demonstrates key competencies and processes.  Intern(s) will also edit the multimedia content in preparation for inclusion within e-learning training modules.  The studio is located at the North Charleston campus of the college of Charleston and contains all the necessary equipment for capture and editing.

Knowledge, skill and ability requirements

  • Use Canon video and still image cameras
  • Familiar with video capture in a studio setting
  • Familiar with sound capture in a studio setting
  • Familiar with video editing process (Sony Vegas Pro is the editing software that will be used)

Work location

  • Most of the work will take place in a multimedia studio located within the North campus of the college of Charleston (3800 Paramount Dr., North Charleston) (interns will need to coordinate their schedule with the schedule of the manager of the multimedia studio)


  • A review of the studio and related video, lighting and sound equipment
  • A review of the end to end process for setting up, conducting and breaking down the video, sound and lighting components of a shoot
  • A review of the video editing process using Sony Vegas Pro
  • Online training modules on Sony Vegas Pro


Historical/Sociological/Anthropological Review Project Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires supporting the development and production of brief documentaries about (1) Martin Luther King; (2) the dynamics of equality, diversity and inclusion in our society; and (3) the history and nature of community relations and development processes.  Intern(s) will help develop the structure and content map (storyboard) for a brief documentary about Martin Luther King, his views, actions and life, and related issues (this documentary will be embedded in deliberative dialogue processes that will take place during MLK celebration events around the State).   Similar work is required on brief documentaries related to the dynamics of diversity, inclusion and equality in our society; and the history and nature of community relations.  Intern(s) might assist with identifying and interviewing (capture on video) various people who are able and willing to provide a useful perspective about Martin Luther King and related issues/subjects.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with the history and issues of diversity, inclusion and equality (capable of doing research and capturing key issues/events)
  • Familiar with the storyboarding process of film production (use MindManager to map out the key components/steps of an information process e.g. video)
  • Familiar with the interview process (for documentary not hiring purposes)
  • Capable of setting up video, sound and light equipment for support conducting and capturing an interview

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia.  If interview work is required, intern must be able to pick up and drop off video, sound and lighting equipment from the multimedia studio at the North Charleston campus of the College of Charleston (3800 Paramount Dr., North Charleston).  Arrangements could be made to pickup and drop-off equipment at the headquarters of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission in Columbia. If a highly capable intern is available but is unable to fulfill the requirements of conducting interviews, then these requirements will be dropped.


  • A review of the storyboarding process using MindManager
  • Online training modules on conducting effective interviews


Film (Multimedia) Production Assistant/Coordinator (2)

These 2 interns will use video, still images, digital objects and sound to produce a brief video about the Community Relations and Development Division.  Intern(s) are required to support the process of mapping out (storyboarding using MindManager) the components of a video about the community relations and development system in South Carolina and the Community Relations and Development Division of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission.  Intern(s) are then required to capture and/or develop the various multimedia components of the video and insert those components into a video editing process.  Intern(s) may be required to conduct a preliminary editing and production of the video.

Knowledge, skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with the story boarding process of film production (use MindManager to map out the key components/steps of an information process e.g. video)
  • Use Canon video and still image cameras
  • Familiar with use of stock image providers like istock and shutterstock
  • Familiar with video capture in a studio and location setting
  • Familiar with sound capture in a studio and location setting
  • Familiar with video editing process (Sony Vegas Pro is the editing software that will be used)

Work location

  • Approximately half of the work will take place in a multimedia studio located within the North campus of the college of Charleston (3800 Paramount Dr., North Charleston) (interns will need to coordinate their schedule with the schedule of the manager of the multimedia studio), a quarter of the work will take place at the headquarters of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission in Columbia and the rest will occur at various locations around the state where some video capture (e.g. an interview) needs to take place


  • A review of the studio and related video, lighting and sound equipment
  • A review of the storyboarding process using MindManager
  • A review of the end to end process for setting up, conducting and breaking down the video, sound and lighting components of a shoot
  • A review of the video editing process using Sony Vegas Pro
  • Online training modules on Sony Vegas Pro


Business Process Design Project Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires using mindmanager to capture and Map out the key steps and sub-steps of new end-to-end processes that comprise a new service delivery model for community relations and development councils.  Interns will be expected to interview subject matter experts, capture process related information into mindmanager process maps, audit the processes and make revisions as needed, and identify/attach explanatory information where needed

Knowledge, skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with business process design (a details orientation and the ability to think procedurally is essential)
  • Familiar with the software program MindManager

Work location

  • Much of the work will require meeting with subject matter experts at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia and the Director of the Institute of Community Development at the North Charleston campus of the College of Charleston (an intern located close to Columbia and an intern located close to Charleston is recommended)


  • A review of the business process design approach used by the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission
  • Online training modules on business process design and MindManager


E-Learning Project Assistant/Coordinator

This  internship(s) requires supporting the development of PowerPoint decks that will be used as the basis for e-learning training modules. Multimedia content including screen capture videos, videos of workplace behavior, still images and voice over PowerPoint (narration) will be compiled within PowerPoint (supported by the software program Articulate) and produced into e-learning training modules using Articulate.  Interns will be required to use Articulate to develop and insert interactive exercises and quizzes into the e-learning training modules and upload the modules into a learning management system

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with the latest version of PowerPoint
  • Familiar with use of stock image providers like istock and shutterstock
  • Familiar with production of voice over PowerPoint
  • Familiar with the software programs Camtasia and Articulate

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia.


  • A review of the e-learning approach used by the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission
  • Online training modules for Articulate, Camtasia and PowerPoint


Website Project Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires supporting the development of a website.  This includes designing the structure of the site (within an existing template) and populating the site with text, documents, images, video and other multimedia elements supplied by South Carolina Human Affairs Commission staff.  The intern(s) is also required to assist in developing a webpage/site template that will be used by each of the Community Relations and Development Councils.  Developing a website management system that allows the various Community Relations and Development Councils to access and manage their component of the overall website (within the provided template) or make use of an external site like Facebook is a priority.  Intern(s) are also expected to develop and implement an online discussion system for the various Community Relations and Development Councils.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with website development
  • Familiar with the development of Facebook sites

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia.


  • A review of the website development and management approach used by the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission
  • Online training modules for website development and management, managing online discussion boards and developing Facebook sites


Marketing and Public Relations Project Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires supporting the development of marketing materials and a public relations campaign. Intern(s) will assist with the development of brochures, pamphlets, briefings, executive summaries, email templates, presentations and other marketing materials. Intern(s) will also assist with designing and implementing a public relations campaign.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with the fundamentals of marketing and public relations
  • Familiar with the process of producing marketing materials
  • Familiar with publishing software like Microsoft publisher, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia.


  • A review of the marketing and public relations approach used by the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission
  • Online training modules on Microsoft publisher, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign


Events Management Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires supporting the design and management of the first annual “South Carolina Community Relations and Development Conference” that will be taking place in Myrtle Beach at the end of February, 2017.  The interns will support the process of developing the conference agenda, developing marketing and other materials, sending invitations, managing registration, booking conference rooms and helping with onsite management of the event (if available).  Intern(s) will support most of the key activities within the end to end process of designing and conducting the conference.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with the events management process
  • Familiar with designing and managing conferences
  • Familiar with basic marking process and tools
  • Familiar with process/event mapping software (MindManager), publishing software (Microsoft publisher, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign), marketing tools (Facebook, MailChimp) and general administration software (Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and Powerpoint)

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia. An intern located close to Myrtle Beach will be better able to manage the on-site tasks


  • A review of the Annual South Carolina Community Relations and Development Conference
  • Online training modules on MindManager, MailChimp, Microsoft publisher, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and Microsoft Office


Community Relations and Development Coordinator

This internship(s) requires supporting the process of establishing new Community Relations and Develop Councils within various counties in South Carolina.  The interns will support the execution of a pre-developed process for establishing councils.  Interns are required to support Community Relations and Development Division staff in securing the opportunity to make a presentation to City/County Council and Chamber of Commerce, securing diverse participants for the councils and conducting the Council orientation process.  Intern(s) will support most of the key activities within the end to end process of establishing new Community Relations and Development councils.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with community relations/development and the issues of equality, diversity and inclusion (preferred but not necessary)
  • Good general administration skills
  • Good interpersonal skills (phone and face-to-face engagement)
  • Familiar with general administration software (Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and Powerpoint)

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia. Interns will need to meet with community members within the county/section of a county that is being targeted and support the orientation sessions for the new council (if the intern is available).  Counties that are being currently targeted include:


  • A review of the South Carolina Community Relations System
  • A review of the process for establishing a new community relations and development councils
  • Online training modules on MindManager, MailChimp, Microsoft publisher, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign


Grant Research Writing Assistant/Coordinator

This internship(s) requires supporting the process of (1) researching information necessary to write applications for grants to support development of the community relations and development system in South Carolina, and (2) supporting the process of writing and submitting the grant applications.  Many granting agencies, organizations and foundations have significantly increased the money they are offering to support community relations and development initiatives across the country.  The intern(s) will work with SCHAC staff, Director of the Institute of Community Development at the College of Charleston, and the grant application support coordinator from the Americorps organization to develop a grant application to secure support for the development and implementation of the new community relations and development system in South Carolina.

Knowledge skill and ability requirements

  • Familiar with the process of doing issues research (similar to doing research on a topic for an academic paper or management briefing)
  • Familiar with the use of online research systems and databases for gathering issues relevant scientific, practitioner and other information (intern will be provided with access to all the online search systems and databases offered through the library of the College of Charleston)
  • Good communication and writing skills
  • Familiar with the grant research, writing and application process (preferred but not necessary)

Work location

  • Flexible but the intern must be able to attend an orientation/training session, a mid-internship review, and an end-of-internship review at the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission headquarters in Columbia.


  • A review of the Annual South Carolina Community Relations System
  • A review of the grant research, writing and application process (supported provided by the grant application support coordinator from Americorp)
  • Online training modules on Giving Management Briefings and the Grant Development/Application Process
To apply for any of these internships, please email your resume to Saundra Ligon, Senior Community Relations Consultant at

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