Getting Involved by Lauren Anderson

Before coming abroad, I never realized how much I valued having a routine and doing activities that keep me busy. While I am now fully adjusted, the slow and relaxed Spanish lifestyle was a huge change. During the adjustment period it is so important to find thing you love or even pick up new hobbies that you can enjoy in your host country and even bring back home with you!…

Three Things to Know About Studying Abroad in Sevilla by Marley Lucas

 The welcoming people, delicious food, and beautiful sights make Sevilla a highly attractive study abroad destination. I have spent my Fall 2019 semester here and I am in love with it. Here are a few things you should know about Sevilla that you probably won’t find online. Sevilla is a great city to experience Spanish culture Sevilla is known for its rich culture and diversity. This is one of the…

Study Abroad During a Global Health Crisis by Elizabeth Edmunds

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Edmunds and I am a sophomore from Lynchburg, VA currently studying abroad in Seville, Spain with ISA at the Universidad de Sevilla. I am studying Elementary Education and Spanish, so I have always known I wanted to study abroad in Spain. Finding the city was more of a decision, but I also loved the idea of a medium sized city, so I found Seville. Once…

Sevilla by Rex Bingham

Hello! I have been in Sevilla, Spain, for 1 month in the Spring 2022 program. I traveled with the affiliate program ISA, and have had an amazing experience up to this point. Sevilla is a city in the bottom left of Spain, within the territory Andalucia, and is known as the city of oranges for the hundreds of orange trees that are on every sidewalk and park within the city.…

My name is Maddy Moody and I am currently a junior at College of Charleston. I am a communications major and arts management minor. I chose to study abroad with the CEA program in Sevilla, Spain. I knew I wanted to study somewhere in Spain so that I could practice and eventually become fluent in Spanish. I went abroad with no expectations, but I planned to fully assimilate myself with…

The Reality of Virtual Culture Shock by Angela Richard

If you’ve studied abroad or are familiar with the concept, chances are, you’ve heard the term “culture shock” before. Culture shock refers to the disorientation you experience when you’re subjected to a new culture. It’s especially prevalent among study abroad students, because they’re going to be living amongst a new culture for an extended period of time, from weeks to months to even years. When I studied abroad in Granada, Spain, I definitely…

The Escape Plan by Maddy Moody

It seems that once I fully adapted to my new life in Spain, I had to come back home because of the coronavirus. The coronavirus rapidly spread through Spain. I don’t think anyone realized how devastating things were about to become. Only two days after CEA study abroad program in Seville was canceled, president Trump announced travel restrictions for students coming back from Europe. My roommates frantically called their parents…

University of Seville by Noelle Glover

My name is Noelle Glover and I am an international business and Spanish major with a minor inmarketing. I am a Junior at the College and I studied with International Studies Abroad at theUniversity of Seville in Seville, Spain. I choose my program because it accommodated my wantsand needs for a program and offered great excursions. During my time abroad, I set goals tobecome immersed in my host culture and…

Taking Classes Abroad: The Best of Both Worlds by Marley Lucas Yes, the rumors are true: you do have to participate in the “study” part of study abroad. Don’t worry; you will have plenty of time to explore your host country and travel to other places. CEA gives you a variety of programs to choose from that allow you to get the best fit for your classes. I enrolled in the Communication, Media Studies, and Tourism Management program. I am…

Culture, Customs and Traditions in Sevilla by Noelle Glover

While studying in Sevilla, I attended multiple festivals and events. To start, I attended theFestival of Nations in a local park that celebrated a multitude of nations. The festival offereddifferent food, drink, and music options. I attended the festival with friends and we had a greattime observing the cultures. Later on, I attended a couple of Christmas markets, they are myfavorite! Sevilla decorates well for Christmas and that made for…