Introduction by Anna Cogbill

My name is Anna Belle Cogbill, and I am going to France! Specifically, I’m going to be studying abroad with the College of Charleston’s La Rochelle program. It’s a terrific way to spend the first half of my junior year, and I’m certain it will be infinitely beneficial in both of my majors, French & Francophone Studies and Communications. It’s the perfect scenario for growth in my fields of study;…

Goodbye France by Sally Ott

It’s hard to believe that my time in France is coming to an end. Exams and language certification tests aren’t far and the US has been on my mind! Thinking back on some of my favorite experiences while studying at La Rochelle, the university’s pop chorus is definitely towards the top of the list. I joined the chorus at the beginning of the semester in hopes to make french friends…

Reflections on La Rochelle by Kathleen Trainor

Hello everyone, my name is Kathleen Trainor and I’m a junior at the College of Charleston. I’ve been studying in La Rochelle, France for the past semester, and as we wrap up with final exams, I wanted to reflect on my time here and how I believe France, and Europe in general, have affected me. Before this semester, I had never traveled abroad, my farthest adventure being Utah. I was…

La Rochelle by Hannah Jones

I studied abroad at La Rochelle, France for four months to learn the French language and culture. It was an incredible experience, something I would do again if I could. It made me realize that I would want to work in France or Europe if I was given the opportunity. Living in a different country has given me a lot of lessons about culture, people and life itself. I have…

France by Lexi Sweezy

I have been studying/living in La Rochelle, France for a little over two months now and I’d like to share with you all some cultural differences I’ve experienced since being here. One of the more prominent differences, and something I’ve grown to love, is that the French truly take their time to do things. When you go out to lunch, it’s perfectly acceptable and expected to spend about two hours…

La Rochelle by Allison Carey

La Rochelle has a lot of similarities to Charleston. It’s a small port city, like Charleston so it attracts a lot of tourists. Tourist season is mostly during the summer and spring because, like Charleston, the weather is temperamental in La Rochelle. It will rain at the drop of a hat and be bright and sunny five minutes later, which normally wouldn’t be worth mentioning. Except, of course, if your…

Language Learning Tips: How Never Shutting Up is Actually the Best Thing You Can Do By: Hannah Hanes

Bonjour! C’est moi, Hannah! It’s been a hot second since I arrived in France. In fact, the program is nearly over. With only three weeks left until exams are upon us, I think now is a good time to reflect upon how my French has progressed these past few months: what’s worked and how I can make the most of my remaining time in Europe. I hope that from my…

Traveling While Abroad

Traveling while abroad can be a very fun and rewarding experience. Before I discuss my experience while traveling to Germany, I would like to share my advice to anyone who is planning on exploring other countries while abroad. The first piece of advice I have is to plan travel early. I ended up paying more money for later tickets because I didn’t have a plan on where I wanted to…