The Best Days with the Best People by Karly Shirey

Before leaving to study abroad in Greece, I was worried about who I would be living with andwho I would be able to travel with. I knew that I wanted to travel throughout Greece and other European countries. At the time, I only knew one other girl who was studying abroad at the same university as me. So I had intentions of either traveling alone or traveling with people that…

Cultural Differences in Greece by Karly Shirey

I knew before coming to Greece there would be many cultural differences. I wasn’t aware of all of the differences before arriving in Athens in September. I decided not to take an official class to learn the Greek language, but to learn the language from the locals. Greek is a rather difficult language to speak and to understand as it uses a completely different alphabet. However, I have been trying…

Acropolis in Greece by Melanie Fischer

One historical site I was fortunate to visit was the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, which has been on my list of sites to see for a very long time due to my childhood love of Greek mythology. The Parthenon and the rest of the builds of the Acropolis were more amazing and awe-inspiring than I could have imagined. I felt miniscule in comparison to the looming  marble ruins (In Greece,…

A Taste of Home and a Taste of Greece by Matthew Titzler

October was not as chaotic as September, but it was just as busy. Taking four classes on one day contributes to this busyness, along with trying to plan as many weekend and day trips around Athens, mainland Greece and the islands as possible. A stress reliever of mine is indulging in the local cuisine. As a mentioned in my previous post, the αντικριστό from Crete was my favorite food I…

September: A Chaotic Month to Remember by Matthew Titzler

September might as well have been a whole study abroad program, filled with travel, new cultures, great food, stress, and much learning. I have not experienced too much culture shock, as I lived in India for three years, so Greece somewhat feels like moving to another city in the US, in comparison. Minus the completely different language and seven-to-ten-hour time difference. In fact, that may be the most difficult part,…

Intro Blog by Matthew Titzler

Γεια σας and welcome to my first blog post! My name is Matthew Titzler, I am double majoring in Archaeology and Classics, and I am currently a junior participating in the study abroad program, College Year in Athens (CYA). I chose this program due to various recommendations, along with the fact that Athens is a perfect hub to study the history of Ancient Greece. There were other programs in consideration,…

Yassas from Greece! by Karly Shirey

Hey everyone! My name is Karly Shirey and I am attending The American College of Greece inAgia Paraskevi, Greece. I am a fifth year student at Cofc and I am majoring in public health andanthropology, as well as studying pre-med. I chose The American College of Greece because ofits location and the archaeology. The school is relatively close to downtown Athens and it is veryeasy to travel throughout the country.…

Learning Everywhere by Meredith Schilpp

My academic experience at The American College of Greece differs from classes at the College of Charleston because the school is a lot smaller so I have the same professors for multiple classes. The professors are more personal and maintain more eye contact and are more physical in general. Many of my professors will come over to and ask a question directly to an individual. One of my professors will…

Living Like A Local in Greece by Meredith Schilpp

Living like a local has been a great experience so far! I have been eating my way through Greece and I have loved every second of it. The Greeks usually order many appetizers to pass around and share. The bill is also placed on the table right after the order is taken and usually cannot be split. One person usually pays for the bill or we personally split it up…