A Day in Rome by Chase Lee

Hello! My name is Chase Lee, and I am currently a senior at the College of Charleston, studying abroad in Rome, Italy for the Fall 2023 semester. I have been in Rome for about two months now and have loved every minute of it. When I wrote my first blog post, the last place that I had visited was Barcelona. Since then, I have traveled to Venice and the Amalfi…

South of Spain by Taylor Henry

This past week we traveled to South of Spain. A much more colorful, diverse city in aspects of dance, art, expression, and people. As a whole Spain is a more direct culture in mannerisms, speech, and action but it still catches me off guard when I experience it. It makes connecting with people that much more interesting because there is less pressure for everyone to be in agreement whereas your…

First Weekend in Trujillo by Taylor Henry

The first weekend we arrived was during a huge regional fiesta to celebrate Extremadura. If you’ve lived in Spain, then you know that loyalty lies in your region and Spaniard identify most with the region than the country. The party began after dinner around 10 pm and there was a DJ hired to perform in the Plaza Mayor until around 3am. There were families and people of all age gathered…

Semester at Sea by Chase Hirshorn

I embarked on the World Odyssey, a 700-person ship in Antwerp, Belgium, bidding farewell to land, service and the familiarity of daily life. Thus began my life at sea school, Semester At Sea. In an unconventional classroom setting, we find ourselves aboard a cruise ship where lounging by the pool between classes is the norm, and running on the treadmills offered breathtaking ocean views instead of Sterling Center walls. Semester…

John Cabot University by Chase Lee

  Hello! My name is Chase Lee, and I am currently a senior at College of Charleston. I have been studying abroad in Rome, Italy fora little over a month now, and I absolutely love it! I am so grateful for this opportunity, this trip has already been something I will remember for the rest of my life. John Cabot University is a little different than College of Charleston. For…

Introduction by Maikalani Peterson

Hello, my name is Maikalani Peterson. I am majoring in Arts Management with a music concentration, and I am minoring in Film Studies. I am a junior who is currently studying abroad this semester in Hirakata, Japan at Kansai Gaidai University. I chose to do this program because I took two years of Japanese at the College of Charleston with Chikuma Sensei and Yamaji. They inspired me to study abroad…

Introduction by Michelle Taylor

Michelle Taylor Major/Minor: Supply Chain Management, Global Logistics and Transportation Sophomore Host University: Queen’s University Belfast I have wanted to study abroad for years. I actually searched for colleges on the basis of how strong their study abroad programs are. I chose to study at Queen’s because it checked several important boxes for me. First, I wanted to study in an English-speaking country. I don’t have strong foreign language skills.…

Introduction by Chase Lee

Ciao, my name is Chase Lee, and I am currently a senior at the College of Charleston majoring in marketing. I am studying abroad in Rome, Italy at John Cabot University through the affiliate program SAI for the Fall 2023 semester. I chose this program because I’ve always wanted to travel to Italy, and it allows me to enhance my academic goals as a marketing major. John Cabot University is…

Introduction by Anna Cogbill

My name is Anna Belle Cogbill, and I am going to France! Specifically, I’m going to be studying abroad with the College of Charleston’s La Rochelle program. It’s a terrific way to spend the first half of my junior year, and I’m certain it will be infinitely beneficial in both of my majors, French & Francophone Studies and Communications. It’s the perfect scenario for growth in my fields of study;…

Trip to Hiroshima by Salina Saini

Whenever we learn about World War II, Hiroshima is also mentioned due to what occurred there. I love learning about history and visiting historic places, so Hiroshima was on my list of Prefectures that I wanted to visit. When the opportunity arose, we made it happen. We went on the Shinkansen (bullet train) from Osaka which was bound for Hiroshima. After about an hour and a half, we arrived at…