The first weekend we arrived was during a huge regional fiesta to celebrate Extremadura. If you’ve lived in Spain, then you know that loyalty lies in your region and Spaniard identify most with the region than the country. The party began after dinner around 10 pm and there was a DJ hired to perform in the Plaza Mayor until around 3am. There were families and people of all age gathered to dance and congregate. When I showed up in a dress and sandals, I found that everyone was wearing jeans and t-shirts and sneakers. I distinctly remember hearing “ how are you gonna dance it that?” A genuine question. That was the first cultural difference I noted. The second was that they eat fries with a fork… anyway. The real interesting part is that the tradition is that the party goes on until sunrise around 8am. I retired around 4 with the abuelas but most of the young people migrated to the Discoteca and house parties which I noticed sometimes don’t start until 6am. The other students who powered through found themselves in Churrerías around 7am to finish off the night… or whatever.