Reflection on Florence and Europe: Major Takeaways from my Time Abroad by Hannah Bain

For future students interested in studying abroad, my advice would be to do your research. Find out where you want to go, specific places you really want to see, and book any trips as early in advance as you can. However, I would also advise not being too hung up on your plans. Expect things to go wrong, because they will. You’ll have a travel issue, you’ll have awkward instances. My biggest piece of advice is to take it all in stride and let yourself live it. Don’t be worried about what you could be missing out on as much as you worry about taking in a moment and being present, wherever you are. For me, the places I thought that would be the biggest deal did not reach the top of my list for greatest moments. My favorite moments were spontaneous or silly or unexpected.

My study abroad experience prepared me to prepare for the unexpected and to carry myself more confidently. Both of these things I consider to be invaluable for my career. With all the struggles I faced being in a different country and having moments where I had no idea what to do, I got through them and came out more aware and more ready to face things. Eventually I got to a point where I was hardly phased by issues with my plans. I got used to rerouting myself. I also became more confident in my abilities to navigate public places and stand my ground. I had to stop being intimidated in order to accomplish many things while abroad and I am very glad I did.

I am very proud that I made all A’s while abroad. I was a bit worried about my course load while also trying to enjoy my experience, but I was able to pull through successfully. What I am most proud of though is that I made sure I saw the places I have always dreamed of seeing and did so with people who make me happy.

Studying abroad is interesting in how it affects how you see yourself. It’s at times humbling and at others ego-boosting. All in all, I would not say that huge changes have been made to my identity, but that I feel I have more knowledge and more wonderful experiences and memories to be thankful for.

In the future, I hope that I can work abroad. It’s really wonderful to experience cultures outside of your own.

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