postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies
Eileen Joy
Myra Seaman
Book Reviews and Forum Editor:
Holly Crocker
postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in medieval studies that aims to bring the medieval and modern into productive critical relation.
The journal works to develop a present-minded medieval studies in which contemporary events, issues, ideas, problems, objects, and texts serve as triggers for critical investigations of the Middle Ages.
Further, postmedieval illuminates the deep historical structures that underlie contemporary thought and life. The journal demonstrates the important value of medieval studies and the longest possible historical perspectives to the ongoing development of contemporary critical and cultural theories that remain under-historicized.
Please visit the postmedieval site at Palgrave Macmillan for information on current and upcoming issues, and to read sample content.
- Winner – Best New Journal, Humanities & Social Sciences – 2011 PROSE Awards
- Winner – Best New Journal – 2012 ALPSP Awards
Essay Prize:
- Launched in 2012, The Michael Camille Essay Prize is a biennial essay contest co-sponsored by postmedieval, Palgrave Macmillan, and the BABEL Working Group. The prize is awarded for the best short essay (4,000-6,000 words) on a variable theme that brings the medieval and the modern into productive critical relation. The competition is open to early career researchers: those currently in M.A./Ph.D. programs or within 5 years of having received the Ph.D. Essays in all disciplines are encouraged.
postmedieval FORUM:
- A semi-annual feature of the journal: an online, open-access Forum, directed and edited by Holly Crocker, featuring short responses, as well as debate and dialogue, relative to essays, reviews, and topics featured in regular issues of postmedieval. It is hoped that the Forum will serve as a vibrant space for public, open, and spirited conversations relative to the content published in postmedieval and to pressing issues and questions circulating in medieval and early modern studies more broadly.
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***BABEL Working Group STUDENT Members receive a 50% discount on personal subscriptions to postmedieval, which includes print and online access. Click HERE to access the online order form, where you can enter the code PMBABELSTU to receive your member rate of $51.00 USD.
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An institutional subscription is print only at the published price
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