donate to BABEL
For the most part, BABEL runs on martinis, WD-40, ramen, loose change, the kindness of strangers, old Talking Heads albums, matches, a glitter ball, and chewing gum. But every now and then, we appreciate whatever donations our members and friends may be willing to spare. Whatever donations BABEL receives are used specifically to help us defray: a) travel expenses for graduate students to participate in BABEL-sponsored conference events; b) travel expenses for featured speakers in BABEL-sponsored conference sessions and other events, such as BABEL’s biennial conference; c) operating expenses associated with BABEL-sponsored conferences and other symposia, such as those related to our Speculative Medievalisms project; d) costs associated with BABEL-sponsored social events (such as our annual party held at the International Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo, Michigan each May).
Donations can be made through Paypal by following the “Donate” button above, or you can make a contribution the old-fashioned way by sending a check made out to “BABEL Working Group” to:
Myra Seaman
Treasurer, BABEL Working Group
c/o Department of English
College of Charleston
26 Glebe Street
Charleston, SC 29424