postmedieval FORUM II: The State(s) of Review
FORUM II: The State(s) of Review
March 2012
FORUM II features responses to the crowd review that was part of “Becoming Media,” postmedieval vol. 3, issue 1.
Introduction: How Open, or, Can Vulnerability Go Digital?
Holly A. Crocker
In the Shape of a Crowd
Jen Boyle
Building Community
Sarah Werner
“Yeah, but good luck getting it peer-reviewed”
Bonnie Wheeler
Not Far From, but Close to, the Madding Crowd Review
Eileen A. Joy
Experiment and Replication in the Humanities
Katherine Rowe
Saving Tenure, or Helping to Kill it?: A Few Words about “Publish, then Filter”
Sharon O’Dair
Eight Crowded Paragraphs Collaborating Openly
Martin K. Foys