The Avery Research Center is excited to welcome the newest member of our team, Robert Chase! He began working here in September.
Dr. Robert Chase is the public historian at the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture at the College of Charleston. Dr. Chase specializes in public history, oral history, civil rights and social justice movements, and African American history. Born in New York City and raised in Washington, DC, Dr. Chase received his MA in history from George Mason University and his PhD in history at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is the recipient of the University of Maryland’s E.B. and Jean Smith prize for best dissertation in political history. Previously, Dr. Chase has held postdoctoral fellowships with Southern Methodist University, Case Western Reserve University, and Rutgers University. His forthcoming manuscript, Civil Rights on the Cell Block: The Prisoners’ Rights Movement and the Construction of the Carceral State, 1945-1990, explores the roots of twentieth century prison growth, inmate society and the coercive relationship between keeper and kept, and the legal struggle between inmates and the state over race, prisoners’ rights, and questions of citizenship.
He is working on inventorying the oral histories that we have in our collection and developing new oral history projects.
More information about him can be found
So when you see him around, say hello!
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