Guest Lecture: Her Stories: Women’s Autobiographies in Hindi

Join the Asian Studies program in welcoming Monika Browarczyk, Professor of Hindi language and literature at Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznan, Poland and this year she is a Fulbright Scholar at UT Austin, who will be giving a public lecture on her research regarding womens’ life writings in Hindi in post-colonial India.

Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Location: Addlestone Library, Room 227

Time: 2pm

*free and open to the public

2013 SEATJ Conference, March 9-10, at the College of Charleston: Call for Papers

The 28th Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (SEATJ) Annual Conference will take place at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina, on March 9-10, 2013.

We invite submissions of proposals for 20-minute presentations on topics related to language pedagogy, instructional technology, classroom activities, second language acquisition, Japanese linguistics, Japanese literature and film, and other related areas. We welcome submissions from teachers at all levels, including K-12 and heritage schools. Papers can be presented in either English or Japanese.

Please email your proposal of 250-300 words in English or 500-600 characters in Japanese to Yoshiki Chikuma at by January 15, 2013. We will notify accepted applicants by February 1, 2013. Updates on the conference will be posted at

Get Paid to Study Chinese in Taiwan!

From the Matador Network, learn about different scholarship opportunities for students who are interested in traveling to Taiwain over the summer to study the Mandarin language: “Get Paid to Study Chinese in Taiwain”

Application Cycle:
  • January – TECRO begins to publicize scholarships for the year.
  • March 31 – Application deadline (getting your application in sometime in February will give you an edge).
  • Early May – TECRO notifies all applicants of decisions.
  • Late May – Students completing a summer term in Taiwan arrive right after the US academic school year ends to register for classes.

StoryCorps is coming to Charleston!

StoryCorps, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to recording, preserving, and sharing the stories of people from all backgrounds and beliefs, is coming to South Carolina to collect stories from the Palmetto State.

About StoryCorps: StoryCorps’ mission is to provide people of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, preserve, and share their stories. Each week, millions of Americans listen to StoryCorps’ award-winning broadcasts on NPR’s Morning Edition. StoryCorps has published three books: Listening Is an Act of Love and Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps, and All There Is: Love Stories from StoryCorps–all of which are New York Times best sellers. For more information, or to listen to stories online, visit

StoryCorps will bring their MobileBooth (an Airstream trailer outfitted with a recording studio) to Ansonborough Field in Charleston, SC from October 25, 2012 to November 19, 2012. Reservations will be available beginning at 10:00 a.m. on October 11 and can be made by calling StoryCorps’ 24-hour toll-free reservation line at 1-800-850-4406 or visiting

StoryCorps’ MobileBooth interviews are conducted between two people who know and care about each other, with a trained StoryCorps facilitator guiding the participants through the interview process. At the end of each 40-minute recording session, participants receive a complimentary CD copy of their interview. With participant permission, a second copy is archived at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress for future generations to hear.

In Charleston, StoryCorps will partner with ETV Radio, South Carolina’s NPR affiliate. ETV Radio will air a selection of the local interviews recorded in the StoryCorps MobileBooth and create special programs around the project. Segments of select interviews may also air nationally on NPR’s Morning Edition.

Moonlight Semi-Formal, TOMORROW!

Saturday, October 6th from 7 – 9pm

in the Stern Center Ballroom

Sponsored by Asian Students Association, Chinese Club, and Japanese Club: Come join us for a fabulous dance in honor of the moon! There will be food, awesome music, and (hopefully) pretty dresses. So yea. Bring your friends, bring a date, bring a fancy outfit (or not), and bring excitement. Party hard, ladies and gentlemen.